10 Steps to Making a Living Online by Nicholas Dobson - HTML preview

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Prepare for Marketing

Properly marketing your product is paramount to its success. You must be professional in your approach, which means you need great presentation.

The presentation of your product is very important; you must make it the best you possibly can by getting professional ecovers and graphics done. A great looking eBook cover will help to sell your product! Great looking eBook covers increase the perceived value of your products.

The old cliche rings true in this area because potential customers really do judge a book by its cover. Unfortunately because your book is not on the shelf at the book store they can't peruse through it before deciding to buy.

The design of your eBook cover is a very important factor for most people when deciding to buy from you. Think about how your customer perceives your product, they will instantly think, if your website and overall graphics are poor then your product may also be of poor quality, remember "You only get one chance to make a good first impression" So...

A real quality eBook cover will often clinch the deal and make that all important sale. Make sure your sales copy is clean concise, effective and easily understood.

Choose A Delivery Format

Remember you want your work to be accessible to the widest possible audience so choosing the most widely used viewing format is essential. Always go for PDF (portable document format) every time. Virtually every body has adobe reader installed on their computer and best of all anyone can download it totally FREE from adobe.com

Copyright You're Work

Always protect your work, that means getting it copyright protected, it's too late after your eBook has been pirated. Don't forget if your work also contains any information from third parties you will also need to get permission to include that as well.


You definitely need a Web site to show case and sell your eBooks/software. You'll also need a domain name, usually the name of your project/eBook. That domain then needs hosting in order for you to have a presence on the internet via a website. Your website should consist of a HOME PAGE, A CONTACT PAGE, AN AFFILAITE PAGE and a payment button so customers can buy and download your product. Paypal offer great easy to use payment buttons that automatically link up with your Paypal account.

Create a Free Viral eBook

A great marketing strategy is to create a FREE viral eBook and distribute it to as many people as you can. In order for an eBook to be truly viral it must contain links back to your products and services. Make sure and encourage people to give your eBook away to any one who might be interested, include a subscription link to your free newsletter and other offers you may have.

This method grows your subscriber list quickly, builds credibility and respect with your customer base and if you also include hyperlinks in the FREE eBook back to your main eBook website you will pick up sales that way because your prospects have already sampled your work for free.

Use Review Sites

Give a review copy of your eBook away to influential review websites. This will not only give you great exposure but also create more sales because potential buyers are more likely to trust independent reviews than just your say so.

"Always get professional ecovers and graphics done"