12 Step List Building by Thomas Skavhellen - HTML preview

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Alex’s secret to his success is planning. In order to succeed you need to see the whole picture first. After all, if you don’t know where you are going, how do you know how to get there?

Get these plans down on paper. Planning is one of the strategies that people fail to do. Yet when you write something down you are committing to paper what you plan to do and you can get it out of your head. Some of the most successful people write their plans down with pen and paper first.

Planning helps you learn quicker, as you can see what you need to overcome, or the tasks that you need to do to get to the next stage.

Alex plans out 90 days in advance, but to start to get into the practice of this, you can start with a month or week. Let’s say a week to start off with. For the next seven days, plan the tasks that you are going to complete on a daily basis.

Put them in a step by step plan, so you can tick each of these tasks off as you complete them.

Don’t open your email account, your favorite forum, or general internet surfing until you have completed your tasks, all they are, are distractions. Although if you know what your own personal distractions are, then that’s good as you can overcome them.

Later in this report, you will see a step by step plan on how to build your list, use this as your basis for the next week and you will feel a real sense of accomplishment as you tick off each task and get closer day by day to building that responsive mailing list.

Plan tomorrow today. If you have a plan you can stick to it. It maybe that something took longer than you thought, then plan to finish it the following day. If you stick with the plan, you will make money!

The real secret here is to always have the next 5 tasks planned, as this makes you ultra productive, so always have the next 5 to 10 tasks planned at all times.


Remember, it doesn’t have to be perfect, just get going. You are going to hit hurdles and glitches, but just keep going and you will get there.

For added motivation, dangle carrots in front of yourself to push forward – reward yourself when you meet targets. When you start out this might be a night out on the town or a shopping trip and as you make more money this will become luxury vacations. Always dangle carrots, and don’t whip or punish yourself as you will lose motivation.


One of Alex’s favorite sayings is KISS – Keep It Simple Stupid. This system is simple! Setting up the system will take some time and there will be a learning curve, but if you want to see those $1000 days, you will need to keep reading and implement what you learn.

The secret to building a list fast is contributing gifts to Giveaways!

A giveaway site is an event that anyone can join, that can last from seven days to a few months. There are usually 4 or 5 giveaways that are running at any given moment in time.

There are two sides to every giveaway – the contributor side (people offering free gifts) and the other side is members looking for free gifts. These members have to opt in to your mailing list to get the free gift you are offering as a contributor

Each one of these giveaways will have rules and will vary from giveaway to giveaway, but one rule is that you will promote the giveaway. If you don’t promote the giveaway your gift will be removed.

As everyone is promoting the giveaway, thousands of people end up scrolling through the gifts and picking out the ones they want to download. Your gift will be among them, and if they want to download your product, they will be taken to your opt in page, where they will have a chance to get your gift.

Yes, some gurus say that the subscribers you get from giveaways are freebie seekers and you will never make money from them, but these same gurus probably bombard these so called ‘freebie seekers’ with offers left, right and center so no, they won’t be responsive, they don’t want you to know what they know.

And yes, these subscribers will probably sign up for a huge amount of gifts at these giveaway events, but they will stay subscribed to your list because you will treat them differently and not bombard them with offers, as soon as their email address hits your autoresponder account.

In fact, Alex is living proof that these subscribers are responsive, but only if you look after them right. Alex wants to help people and this, shows in both his actions and emails.

Alex sends these new subscribers free advice, great content, and more freebies. His initial emails make that new subscriber warm to him, listen to him and most importantly trust him. When Alex makes a product recommendation, these people are more likely to think I trust his opinion; I will try what he is recommending.

The great thing about giveaways is that you know what the new subscriber is interested in.
Say for instance you are giving an eBook away about eBay, then you’d send more eBay tips and promote related eBay products, because you know that they are interested in that, as they have downloaded your product.

And that’s how you make money with your list.

Alex’s friend Helen maintains a site where you can find a list of the latest giveaways, you can take part here: http://www.greatgiveawayguide.com. It is updated every couple of days, so you can be sure it is up to date.

The Giveaway process looks like this.


00008.jpgAs you will see traffic is sent to the Giveaway,


where once members sign up, they will be shown a one time offer, where you can make some money as an affiliate before they proceed to the member’s area.


Then they land in the member’s area with all the gifts on offer in that giveaway, including yours.

Once someone clicks on your gift, they will be taken to your opt in page. Where they can sign up for your gift, and receive it instantly and automatically from your auto- responder – now this person is on your list – well done (get some more)

STEP 1: Get a Domain Name
STEP 2: Get Hosting for your Domain Name
STEP 3: Get an Autoresponder Account
STEP 4: Get a Free Product to Promote at Giveaway Sites
STEP 5: Set up a Squeeze Page to Promote
STEP 6: Upload Your Squeeze Page to the Internet
STEP 7: Create First Message on your Autoresponder Account, Highlighting Where to Download Product.
STEP 8: Check Squeeze Page Works

STEP 9: Create a Quick Folder and Dedicated Giveaway Email Address, So You Have Details to Hand When Signing up and Contributing Gifts to Giveaways

STEP 10: Sign up to as Many Giveaways as you can (Ongoing)
STEP 11: Promote Giveaways (Ongoing)
STEP 12: Create Emails to go in Your Autoresponder and Check your Click Through Rates (Ongoing)


You will need to make a small investment to get started in building your list.


This will be your domain name, hosting and an autoresponder.


You may not see a return on this investment straight away, but it will be worth it and these are the essential tools to grow your list using the steps above.