17 Highly-Guarded Strategies to Close (Open) Every Sale Guaranteed Plus How to Combat the Fear of Closing by John Di Lemme - HTML preview

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Strategy #7: The Power of Visualization

You all have heard it, but I'm going to share with you exactly how to do it and experience the power of visualization. You must visualize closing the sale and opening up relationships. Yes, I use the word closing. As you know from strategy number two, I don't have a closing mindset. However, your goal is still to close the sale after your presentation as well as open up relationships. The key is to see yourself doing it.

This is a strategy of all top salespeople. When I was in sales full-time, I went to every presentation with the paperwork and contract filled out prior to going to the presentation. I had everything filled out - all the boxes checked, the date of the presentation, name of the client, etc. The only thing that I needed was the person's signature. Before the presentation, I visualized myself delivering an excellent presentation and the person signing the paperwork.

I want you to do it right now. You're reading this because you're a champion, and you want to earn heavy six and seven figures per year in sales, correct? If so, flip down your laptop computer so you're not checking your email, turn your cell phone off, and lower the sound that you have playing in the background.

Now, visualize the exact contract, agreement or paperwork that you need to earn your commission and/or engage a client for the long-term. I want you to visualize it. Your eyes are closed. The paperwork is in your hand. I want you to literally visualize that paperwork in your client’s hand and imagine the client sticking her hand out saying, “I'm so excited that you shared your business with me. Thank you so very much! Here’s the signed contract.” Then see yourself saying back to her, “I look forward to building a long, prosperous business relationship with you.”

How does that feel? Can you imagine if you did that every single time before you enter a sales presentation? You literally have to visualize the paperwork being exchanged, the acceptance of the contract, the acceptance of the agreement, and/or the transfer of the product from you to them. It truly works. You have to talk yourself through the process. Self-talk is very important. Build up your self-belief by saying, “I am a champion closer. I am opening new relationships each and every day. Today is the day I will open five new relationships. Today is the day the number one sale I've ever done in my sales career will manifest. Today is the best day of my life.” You have to tell yourself that you are worthy of that type of success and believe it.

Let's say that you're selling insurance and you open up the door of a potential client. You have to visualize yourself leaving with the signed insurance forms. Always have the agreement entirely filled out. Here’s the most important part…Always use a yellow highlighter to highlight where they need to sign rather than using red pen to make an X before their signature. People don't like to sign contracts anyway so why would you use a big huge red X to mark the spot? It’s so negative. Using a yellow highlighter is less intrusive and more reader-friendly than a giant X.

Also, never be fumbling around. When a person is ready to do the deal, you need to be ready to authorize the paperwork. You don't need to be filling out their name, address, and all that stuff that you could have done before hand. Do everything you can prior to entering the sales arena. Prepare to close the deal. Flip the paperwork around, slide it across the table to the buyer, review the details and explain to him that you need his signature on the highlighted areas. Use positive, empowering keywords like authorize, endorse, agree, and invest. Show the buyer that you are serious about your business and building a relationship with them.

I challenge you to test this for 90 days. Test out the power of visualization. As you're driving, obviously you can't close your eyes, but speak the words. “Today is the day that my client is authorizing the paperwork to own the $1 million piece of real estate that I am marketing to him. Today is the day that he will take ownership of the million dollar piece of real estate that I am listing.” How much would those positive words and visualization change your sales revenues? The power of visualization is absolutely unbelievable. In other words, not believable to the average person, but believable to the champion, and that's what you are.

I guarantee this will explode your closing ratio. Test it for 90 days and email me directly with your life-changing results at John@LifestyleFreedomClub.com.

Strategy # 7 Champion Tip: Invest time in the power of visualization. Visualize the paperwork being completed and endorsed by your new customer, client, or patient. Remember to use a yellow highlighter instead of a red pen. Simple strategies yield extraordinary results.