17 Highly-Guarded Strategies to Close (Open) Every Sale Guaranteed Plus How to Combat the Fear of Closing by John Di Lemme - HTML preview

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Seventeen highly-guarded strategies to close every sale guaranteed! I have to admit, that's a powerful title for a book and full of a lot of action. I'm going to share with you seventeen specific highly-guarded strategies to close every sale guaranteed. Now, I know that you're saying, “John, how can you guarantee it?” That’s a great question especially since there are so many so-called coaches out there that “guarantee” everything and follow through on nothing.

Based upon my experience in sales, I have a very high closing ratio because I have a different kind of mindset than most people who teach sales and closing, and you're going to discover that. I suggest that you sit back, enjoy, and get ready for some serious revelations. Get ready to say to yourself, “Wow, I can't believe I never knew that. That's what's holding me back from closing my sales!”

This is just for champions! Only continue reading if you want to double your closing ratio and close every sale. I'm going to share highly-guarded strategies of the top closers in the world. I am one of them, and I challenge you to join the team of the champion closers. Also, if this is your first time reading this book, you have to review it six more times before you truly understand the empowering wisdom I'm going to share with you. It will take seven times until you chip away at all the useless garbage that you’ve been taught in the past that simply doesn’t work. That's why most people in sales fail. Ninety-seven percent of people in sales are failing miserably. Do the complete opposite of what they're doing, and you're going to succeed.

The word highly-guarded is defined as “to protect, watch over and keep confined.” Most six and seven figure earners in sales will NEVER divulge their protected strategies to their competition. Remember, I’m your coach and want to see you succeed so I'm going to share the highly-guarded strategies that I have used, and my top coaching students are using right now to break records in their businesses. I'm excited to share with you!

The definition of strategy is “a specific systematic plan of action for obtaining a specific goal or result.” Most people in the sales and marketing industry do not know these strategies. They may hear them but they won’t adapt them, because 97% of salespeople do not earn six figures a year. They simply can’t think big enough to implement these life-changing strategies! It’s really a shame, because the industry of sales is a great opportunity to earn huge income, impact lives around the world, and live the life that you’ve always dreamed of living.

That's why I know you're reading this. You want something more! Acknowledge yourself. Pat yourself on the back, because today you're taking a major step in your sales career and your life. The strategies that you learn in this book will give you the edge that you’ve been looking for all these years. You will surpass all of your competitors that just sit around doing the same old thing producing the same old results.

Close means “have no openings.” That means when you go into a sales presentation, you leave with no openings, no chance of that person not becoming a client, customer, patient, consultant, representative, or whatever your "end result" is to be. It's to close every sale. That's awesome, isn't it? Write this down: I am going to close every sale, guaranteed! Now, I want you to keep that little affirmation somewhere so you see it everyday and believe that you can truly close every single sale.

Every sale? Do you really know what sale means to you and your business? In the dictionary, sale is defined as “the transfer of ownership of property from one person to another in return for money.” My mission through this book is for you to transfer the ownership of the property that you're marketing or selling to the individual that's in front of you or you’re speaking with on the phone. These strategies will work for everyone! It doesn’t matter what product or service you are selling. Let me repeat myself…these strategies will work for everyone reading this material! Whatever product you have, you want to transfer it to the customer, but it doesn’t stop there. You want them to remain your customer long-term. It’s not a one time deal. It’s longevity that builds a successful business.

Let's go over the word guaranteed. It’s “an agreement by which one person undertakes to secure another in the possession or enjoyment of something.” I am going to guarantee that after you read this material you will possess the skills to explode your results in sales and marketing. Here’s the catch…You can’t just read the strategies and expect for them in some way to attract success for you. It’s action, not attraction, that yields success in any business! You must take action and implement these proven, time-tested strategies into your business.

The number one reason why people earn huge income is because they are closers! But like I said before, you don’t just close a sale and then you’re done. Anyone who teaches that is completely wrong. Closing is actually opening up relationships. When one door closes, another one opens. You are continually opening doors of opportunity through your closing skills when you maintain those long-term relationships with the customers that you have moved through your selling process.

Closing isn’t second nature to most people and can be a little intimidating at first. Through these strategies, I am literally going to bulletproof your belief in yourself and your ability to close. Fear won’t stand a chance. I am going to teach you exactly how to achieve more success, overcome the fear of closing, and beat the apprehension that builds when you think about doing a sale. The bottom line is: You are going to get focused! You will be very clear on what you need to do in order to develop and build your lifestyle and business.

WARNING: This isn’t going to be popular with 99% of the world, but I don’t care about them. I care about you. Believe in what you are going to learn in this book, and understand that the art of closing will absolutely put an end to frustration in your sales. Plus you will discover how to earn the most income ever!