50 Things the Most Successful Business People Have in Common & How You Can Begin to Emulate Them in 5 Minutes by iconsclub.com - HTML preview

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Stop Doing It on Your Own For Immediate Results.

The potential here is totally massive. Hold up though, there's something very important that you should know about this connection making process, and that's that it's give and take. In a business sense, it's likely you'll be giving them something and they'll be giving you something valuable in return.

This type of business has been around for so long now. All we're looking at is trades that are mutually beneficial to each party. One thing I would like to say before we go any further here, is that I'm talking in a purely business sense. I don't seriously look at everyone I meet as a new money making machine, and I don't advise anyone do that either. All I'm suggesting here, with these rather black and white examples, is that the opportunity is out there if you're willing to take it and the results can be huge.

We'll be talking a little later about how to make contacts, and actual methods of doing so, simply because I believe that it's the path to total success in whatever you're trying to do. Even if it seems like you're getting a pay cut of sorts in the short term. Stop trying to do things on your own, and you'll see the results of a team effort, in long, medium and short term in terms of both profit and in terms of the advantages and new opportunity branches that you open up.

Ok, time for a real world example for you, and keep in mind this may well happen to you, whether it's a similar situation or under totally different circumstances. How did this very product come to exist? It all started a while back in the year 2000 when I joined a membership website by two big name marketers. Nothing major really went on, at the time I was spending most of my business day just talking to new people and testing marketing strategies for my own membership site.

Anyway, through just attending some of their consultations and participating in their community, as well as meeting these two big marketers, and several others, I also found myself in contact with big list owners and article writers. Bear in mind I wasn’t actively seeking out any of this. Now at the time I didn't really see these people as an opportunity. I was just going with the flow really, meeting, greeting and talking to people in the same field of business as myself.

Not only did I end up starting sites with two of these people, and almost starting one with another (we decided it wasn't a viable idea in the end), but three years later, here's me happily managing my e-zine and websites, along comes a call from one of them that introduces me to yet more contacts. “I got this guy here, you may have heard of him, but he wants to set up this cool sounding site, but I don't have the time for it. Are you up for that?”

Sure I was, that sounds like a good new opportunity. Off I went, had a talk to with this new contact, who’d already been talking to the others I’d met through the same site. The result? This site, 500 sales within a few weeks, each paying us $500+ for our experience and to talk to our contacts first hand, and some real great new friends and business contacts to boot.

Don't get me wrong, this is just an example. Forget how much is earned and through who and when, I'm not trying to boast here, but what I am doing is really hammering this home. If you take nothing away from this site other than this report, I'd be happy in knowing how many options you've opened up for yourself and will again in the future. As long as you've picked up this number one point that opportunities are out there. It's a give and take process, and always mutually beneficial.

I should also point out at this point that what I just gave you was one example, one single example that bred 10+ new hard-hitting contacts. This has happened non stop since initial contact with people in my field of expertise. Just by talking, just by word of mouth, and just by me not trying to do everything on my own. So let me ask you. Right now, are you working on your own? Are you open or closed to new contacts?

Next time something comes up that sounds good to you, don't pass it by and wonder what would have happened if you said yes. Do it, take it up on the spot and see where it takes you. Next time something comes up that sounds good to you, remember this story, and your wall painted with different coloured dots. Think about where different situations could take you and your business, and most of all, in a business environment, never expect something for nothing.

Kind of a mutual unsung rule, you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. Remember also not to view everyone you meet as an opportunity for making wads more cash. I'm not about to test this, but I highly doubt it would do wonders for anybodies social life.