50 Things the Most Successful Business People Have in Common & How You Can Begin to Emulate Them in 5 Minutes by iconsclub.com - HTML preview

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Avoiding the Dirty Bits Does This Sound Like You?

Next up comes ‘the avoid’ the dirty bits way of thinking. Have you ever been sitting there, maybe working away or reading your guides on how to achieve something, and said to yourself 'Hmm you know, I don't fancy doing that', or 'This is not what I envisioned doing when I started out in online marketing'? Well you wouldn't be the only one and this could well be the missing piece of the puzzle for you. In general when you start to delve deep into this business it's very different from what you see on the outside. Not only that, but things can change.

Unfortunately we as online marketers have to take the good with the bad and carry on regardless. This sometimes results in coming up against something that will require you to overcome a barrier or pull of something new. Usually when I talk to people about their online marketing the number one thing that comes up here is joint ventures. Especially the first time around because you're no longer dealing with masses of lists, but on a personal level and, it can indeed be a little hard to get going if you've never done it before. As I mentioned earlier they don't teach you this stuff in college or universities.

So here’s the thing. You need to look at everything you're doing relating to your business and ask yourself whether it's helping or hindering you. When you find an answer, be it in this report, or elsewhere, if you don't like the idea of having to do it yourself, either hire someone to do it if you can, or if not, it's time to burn some bridges. Whatever you do don't block it out and put it to the back of your mind figuring that that one small thing that you've left out won't make that much difference. In my experience everything you do is chained to something else. Leaving one out can leave you with a huge gap in your online marketing.