50 Things the Most Successful Business People Have in Common & How You Can Begin to Emulate Them in 5 Minutes by iconsclub.com - HTML preview

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Gradual Progress

Ok, moving on again, I should let you know that things are gradual. No overnight millionaire mindset here. I’m not saying for a moment that it’s slow, you can find yourself with a list of ten thousand plus from a single product, even when starting out, a good bunch of contacts and a load of affiliates.

Whilst moving forward it may help you to keep this in mind. ‘Keep your business a real business’. Keep creating real products and selling sheer quality to real people and you will move forward. Don’t get wrapped up the craze and the dreams of millions in days. Have dreams sure, but I don’t want anyone to wake up one morning and find themselves misguided by some cowboy, or the focus taken away from their business by some sort of earnings scheme that offers them something for nothing, or a lot too quickly. You know the claims, the ones where it’s almost too good to be true. No doubt you’ve heard this before, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Don’t lose that real business frame of mind, and remember what we’re about in this game. This will allow you to protect yourself, your pocket, achieve focus and keep moving towards your goals and that of your business without distractions and the minimum of mistakes along the way. If you can make sure that you’re moving forward and can see progress every time you leave your workstation, you’re well on the way and have won half the battle.