Affiliate Marketing Blueprint by Massive Customer Service Academy - HTML preview

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Generating Traffic With Solo Ads

In this chapter, I will introduce to you one of the techniques to generate traffic to your site – with solo ads. First of all, why solo ads out of so many other techniques?

Here’s why:

Reason #1: Fastest and Most Effective

Buying solo ads from the other vendors indeed is the fastest and most effective way to generate traffic to your site for the starters, because you don’t have a long mailing list to mail them your promotional emails.

So, to increase your mailing list, you need to buy solo ads from other vendors.

Moreover, the budget on how much you spend is controllable. The total amount that you need to pay depends on how many traffic the vendors had sent to your page, which is what we call “pay per click”. I will further explain about pay per click later.

Reason #2: Targeted Leads

With the buying of solo ads from the vendors from the same niche as yours, you are going to get all targeted leads to your site. The traffic they send to your site are those that are interested in your offer, instead of getting traffic from other niches that are not your target and probably will not make any purchases.

Another benefit from buying solo ads is that you can increase your mailing list as well. When the directed leads from the vendor to your site make any purchase, you get to collect the email addresses as well through the landing page.

Reason #3: Instant Results and Conversion Rate

The results of the conversion rate can be seen almost instantly, and this is the best part of buying solo ads. The vendor you buy solo ads from will straightaway send the solo ads email to their subscribers, to promote your affiliate link.

This is why you don’t need to wait for many days for the traffic to your site.

Here are the three reasons why I choose to introduce about solo ads instead of all the other ways to generate traffic.

However, most of the marketers forgotten that solo ad emails are serve as a PRESELL only. They put the sales page in their solo ad emails instead, which is why so many of them cannot grow their mailing list through buying solo ads.

The sequence of how solo ads should works is first, of course, seeing the solo ad emails. Second, to the landing page to opt-in their email address, and then last to the sales page of the promoted product.

This is how the sequence should be; don’t put any sales-related messages in your solo ad email, you can insert message about the free report to download if they opt-in their email today. The solo ad messages and landing page must be congruent, so it makes sense to the readers.

Here is an example for you to revise on how a landing page should be:


As you can see it, starts with a simple but action-oriented headline about the free report your subscribers will receive after the opt-in of email address, and then a call to action to fill the box below with a big red arrow pointed down and the orange call to action button.

Tip: The conversion rate is higher if you only ask for their email with a single opt-in. Some of the marketers would ask for double opt-in, however, this will not increase the conversion rate.

This is the common format of a landing page, so, your solo ad email should mention something about the free report instead of the product you are promoting. Let the vendor do the sales with the sales page. Your job is to direct the traffic to their site.

How To Write Solo Ad

A solo ad email needn’t be too complicated. It must be simple so that it’s easier for readers to take in. The basic and effective format for a solo ad is as follows:

1. Short and precise – maximum of 200 words, and 55 characters per line

2. 3 URLs to the same site – beginning, middle, end

This should be the basic format of a solo ad email as well.

Tip: Give a semi-blind offer, which give only half of the information about the offer. This is one of the cliffhanger techniques, to arouse their curiosity to know more about what is the next offer you are going to give them.

The solo ad should be written in the following way:


As mentioned, you should lead the traffic to your landing page first! For the purpose to collect the email addresses from the subscribers to grow the mailing list, because the size of the mailing list is the biggest asset of an affiliate, hence, do not send to the vendor sales copy first.

The first priority is to build your own mailing list first.

How To Track Conversions

Tracking the conversion rate to the site is equally important because you will need to know how many clicks you’ve sent to the vendor’s page. The recommended software is Google Analytics and Link Tracker Tool.

Google Analytics is a free service provided by Google; you can find this through the Google search engine and signup for free! However, there are several link tracker tools available online that you can purchase to have more functions.

Reliable Places To Get Solo Ad Vendors

Go to and look for the suitable package that suits your budget plan, you will need to know how many clicks you want to buy from the vendor – 200, 500 or 1000 clicks.

This is one of the reliable places that you can go, or you can simply search for ‘solo ad’ or ‘email advertising’ plus your ‘niche name’ in the Google Search Engine.

Try to contact a few solo ad vendors and collect all the information needed if you are able to, the “Questions to Ask” is already done for you, I’ll reveal it to you later. The purpose of asking them this set of question is for the comparison purpose, to compare the price, size of mailing list, reliability and so on.

The clicks you bought is the number of traffic you will get, this way you know exactly what you are going to get. However, worst-case scenario, it would be the number of clicks the vendor sent is not equivalent to the clicks you’ve bought from him.

This is another reason why tracking is so important, because you need to know your number just in case anything happens. You have to discuss about the terms and conditions with the vendor before to avoid any conflict.

Here’s the set of “Questions to Ask” :

1. How big is your email list?

2. How you manage to get my leads?

3. How many clicks are you able to generate?

4. Can you provide me a suitable offer?

5. How ‘old’ is your list?

These are the commonly asked questions to make sure it is a reliable vendor to joint venture of. The last question is to make sure the mailing list is an up-to-date list; if the mailing list is too old, you may want to reconsider the deal with him.

Here’s the most important part in dealing with the vendor, how much should you spend? The price range will be from $0.20-$0.50 per click. For example, the first option of 200 clicks for $80 will be $0.40 per click. Do the math and know how much you pay for the clicks.

For starters, you should start off small with 200 clicks first. Always remember to do the tracking, to track on the number of clicks to your site.