Complete Internet Marketing Made Easy for 2020 and Beyond by Wayne Sharer - HTML preview

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Chapter 1:

What is Complete Internet Marketing in 2020 and Beyond All About?


Internet marketing, also known as online marketing, is the process of promoting a business or a brand and its associated products or services over the internet. The goal of internet marketing is to generate targeted website/webpage visitors, qualified leads, and sales online and off.


1 The Digital Marketplace

Business owners often struggle with when trying to understand internet marketing and how to do it effectively. There are many methods available. Let’s help you find what’s best for you and your business.

The most common forms of internet marketing include email marketing, online advertising, and search engine optimization. But you’re not limited to these options. Here’s some other methods:

    • affiliate marketing
    • video marketing
    • podcasting
    • social media marketing
    • pay per click marketing
    • content marketing such as blogging
    • SMS (text message) marketing
    • And yes, there’s more — but you get the picture

It’s common for individuals and companies trying to promote a business or brand on the internet to focus on one or two methods. This is the best way to begin, but you must grow, or you leave a lot of customers behind.

Complete internet marketing, on the other hand, is the process of determining the best possible online marketing methods for your current campaign. Then creating a strategy combining the best mix for that campaign. You keep your eyes on generating the best results, fast.

Complete internet marketing allows you to get the most out of online marketing technology. It ensures you don’t fixate on one method or another so you can grow your business most effectively.

Complete internet marketing integrates heavily with content marketing, which is the use of online content to deliver value to potential customers. Because of this, with complete internet marketing you’ll be able to attract and capture the attention of potential customers on any of your marketing channels.

Having a complete internet marketing plan in 2020 and beyond is critical for the success of your business.

Do you want your business to sit alone in obscurity on a corner of your hometown, or do you want it to grow? Maybe even become national or international.

Then you’ve picked the right course!

What Are the Benefits of Complete Internet Marketing for Your Business in 2020 and Beyond?


2 Benefits Beyond 2020

Ninety-one percent of successful online businesses adopted a complete

internet marketing plan before 2020 and are expanding!

Complete internet marketing allows you to achieve specific business-focused goals such as:

    • increasing brand loyalty.
    • generating over three times more leads than traditional internet marketing.
    • reducing costs by over 60% from more traditional internet marketing.
    • driving online sales 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

So, if you’re ready to transform the way you promote your business on the internet, head over to the next lesson!