Cost Per Action (CPA) King by Amit Singh - HTML preview

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CPA Examples

What does a CPA offer actually look like? With the most skillfully placed ones, you may not even realize that’s what you were seeing!

Let’s take a break here, and have a look at some random samples…

A. This ad is placed beside short,

written reviews on an “insurance

review” blog site.

The action to be taken is a simple


B. The action required for the sample above requires postal code entry…

Image 4

C. The CPA offer on the right requires an email address to be entered by your site visitor…

(* Notice how the sign up box on the right in the above example blends in

with the site content, using the same colors. This is a key strategy in making a CPA offer feel “natural” .)

Image 5

D. This is a typical “free sample” or “free gift card” CPA offer. Your site visitor is required to enter an email address and select the type of card they’d like to receive…

(Other “free offer” cards might promote free samples of toothpaste or skin care cream, a free pass to an amusement park, a discount coupon, etc.) CPA Design

As you might have picked up from the previous samples, one of your most important strategies in improving your CPA offer click-through rates will be to make your CPA ads blend in to your site content. One way is to remove ad borders and literally blend the sign up box into the page, as with example C.

In example D, immediately above, the site owner was blatant about the CPA offer – he or she “disguised it” by making it the only content on the page!

With example A, the fact that the Kofax offer is an ad is undisguisable – but the site owner helps it feel less obtrusive by making the sub-heads pick up and use the same blue in the ad.

Again, with example B, the photo layout of the CPA offer makes it hard to

“blend” – but the site owner does so quite well by making it a continuation of the topic under discussion in the site content. (In other words, it’s totally relevant to the page content.)

In other words, the last thing you ever want to do is make your CPA offer stick out like a sore thumb, by amateur mistakes such as:

Using completely different colors from your site headers, subheads, link colors, etc.

Using contrasting background colors

Using screaming, “in-your-face” colors, or flashing animations

Using heavy borders

Let’s compare the right way and the wrong way to integrate CPA ads into your site page…

Scientific Formula To Get Rich With Crypto

Image 6

Figure 1: The right way...

With the above example, you barely even notice the CPA ad on the right.

Entering your email address and getting a quote just seems to be a service of the site…

But what happens if the site owner presents a CPA offer that is: A. Out of context (not related to the subject being discussed) B. Jarringly different from the theme colors and design scheme

Image 7

Well, it might look something like this…

Figure 2: The Wrong Way...

Think about it: Even if you personally like screaming neon colors, which ad would you be inclined to click? The one that is a natural continuation of the burning subject on your mind – finding a safe vacation spot - that just requires you to quickly fill in your email address…

… or the totally unrelated offer, that screams “ADVERTISEMENT!” in SensSurround?

“Is This Really for Me?”

At this point, having checked out typical CPA offers and given a thought to design, you’ll either be feeling interested at the least, excited and eager to get started at the most…

…or you’ll be starting to realize, this really isn’t for you.

Whatever you decide, go with your gut instinct. There are plenty of marketing methods out there, and it’s important to find one that’s comfortable. But just remember, there are also multiple ways to promote your CPA offer too. If running a review blog doesn’t appeal to you, you might want to try some other method, such as email promotion, article marketing or video creation.

Ways to Promote your CPA Offer

The major question you may be asked by your chosen CPA network concerns how you plan to showcase and promote your CPA offer. It doesn’t really matter what you answer; that is, what method(s) you choose – as long as it makes solid business sense.

When you first fill out your application, select: When you are first starting out, filling out applications for CPA networks, select:

Text Links



If you don’t want to answer questions about PPC from the rep who calls, don’t select “PPC. But selecting Text Links and Banners gives you an easy way to tell the CPA rep who calls that you plan to integrate these into your site supported by quality content, with your color schemes helping them to blend in nicely, so clicking will seem like a natural step to take.