Cost Per Action (CPA) King by Amit Singh - HTML preview

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Static Sites vs. Blogs

It doesn’t really matter whether or not you choose a static website or a blog

– the important thing is that it should look professional and well-designed.

There are many great mini-site templates and blog themes for sale (and free) on the net, so you are not stuck with hiring expensive web designers.

TIP: If you think you might ultimately run several websites, each will need its own dedicated domain. Invest in a reseller hosting account – companies such as ReliableWebs

offer them for as little as $25 a month, and you can host unlimited self-contained websites.

(You can even sell one, now and again, if you prefer.) Choosing A Strong Domain Name

It’s getting harder and harder to find good keyword-based .com domain names that have not been snapped up by companies hoping to bleed people of hundreds of dollars by selling them, but here are some tips to help you get around this:

Secret Tips To Make Money With Bitcoin

Just add these words to your main long-tailed keyword:


Reviews, review

Solutions, solution


What to Do if There are No .Com Versions of your Keyword Available…

If all else fails, go for a .org extension. Many experts will tell you not to do this, but due to the nasty practice of “domain-snapping”, sometimes it becomes the only viable alternative.

The old convention about .orgs being only used for non-profit organizations seems to have been chucked firmly out the window. In short, you will now see “.org” as a common extension on many blogs; and many marketers quietly resort to this alternative, and experience solid success with it – if they’ve taken the time to make sure all other elements of their site are well-researched, and set firmly and professionally in place.

Yes. You can start out with one website, and plan to add more, if your CPA subjects differ.

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