How To Make Facebook Helpful
Here are the three major types of Facebook pages through which you can reach your target audience.
Facebook Profile
- Interact with your friends on a personal level
- Receive private messages
- Chat in real-time
- Post on other walls
- “Poke” your friends
- Unique URL (when approved after 25 likes)
- 5000 Friend limit
- No mass message feature
Facebook Groups
- Mass message all members directly to their inbox
- PPC advertising
- 5000 members limit
- No notification for wall posts
- Not visible in web search results
- Can’t target messages
Facebook Pages
- Unlimited fans
- Automatically share wall posts with fans
- Manually target each post location, age and more
- Visible in web search results
- Detailed traffic stats and demographics
- PPC advertising
- Unique URL (after 25 fans)
- Can’t reach all fans in their inbox
- Less personal than your profile or group
- No notification for wall posts
Essentially, your individual Facebook profile works as a great way to interact with your friends and fans on a personal level, Facebook groups provide a direct gateway to all your fans’ inboxes and Facebook pages allow you to maintain your online presence with little limitations and a degree of professionalism. None of these choices are meant to be better than others, but ever since the ability to browse the site and interact with friends and fans directly through your official Facebook page, it now holds the most advantages over the other two options and can easily become your preferred platform for communicating your photos, events and ideas to the population of Facebook.
Here’s some useful advice on managing your Facebook account effectively
- Stay in touch with your fans, respond to their messages and wall posts
- Keep your account up-to-date (photos, videos, news, upcoming events, spam-free and other signs of recent activity)
- Share your Facebook link online and offline
- Request a unique URL as soon as you can
- Connect your Facebook account with Twitter and other social media sites
- Post links to your music on Facebook
- Direct all your professional activity from your Facebook page for greater impact (like setting up events)
- Notify your fans about important promotions through your group, it will flash in their inbox
- Use the ability to divide your friends into categories by location or other means, it will help you better target your updates
- Make sure your friends and fans can see at a glance all relevant information, like your website, list of upcoming events and anything else you may consider important
- Make use of the tabs feature to keep all your pages organized
- Don’t put a bad photo as your main picture
- Don’t miss out people’s birthdays, it’s easy to send a message
- Don’t spend too much time building some sort of image, try being yourself and stay positive!