Dear Employee, Your Job Sucks by Rob Toth - HTML preview

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Ways to Generate Income

Brainstorm some of the ways for creating extra income. You could

“What’s with

make a list with hundreds of ideas, but focus in on the ones that:

the alarm

clock? It’s

can be set on autopilot or has automated/residual earnings

characteristics (meaning free of your time as you have work, the

called an alarm

kids, responsibilities and everything else eating up 24+ hours of

clock. Is that

your every day)

how we’re sup-posed to

are low investment and low risk (I’m guessing you don’t have

wake? In

$250,000 sitting in the bank ready to invest into a business nor can


you afford to lose large sums of money)

provide high yield potential

“Cause it's a

A part-time job doesn’t qualify. Stock investing is out. Real Estate


isn’t an option. Neither is building the next big tech company. Even

symphony, this

franchising is time dependent and high investment.

life. Trying to

make ends

Marketing, however, is a whole different animal. That’s what we’re

meet, you're a

here to talk about.

slave to money

then you die.” –

The Verve, Bit-The Money of Marketing

tersweet Sym-Specifically we’re going to examine two marketing models


network marketing (the act of building a network or organization of customers who, through effective word of mouth systems, create additional customers) and

internet marketing (we’ll look at direct response marketing

online and affiliate marketing).

How Can

YOU Make

Extra Money?

What is Network Marketing

The concept of network marketing is so smart, so simple, so hassle-Find Out On

free and potentially so lucrative that it would benefit every employee

Page 56

to quickly become familiar with it. The challenge is in not falling vic-tim to this same simplicity and turning it into a “sales job” which is

what many untrained network marketers tend to do.

What then, is network marketing? It’s the business of word of mouth

Dear Employee,

marketing. Giving an incentive (financial incentive in the forms of

Your Job Sucks

wholesale discounts and commission checks) to a satisfied cus-Author—Rob Toth

tomer in order to have them educate a friend, family member, coworker (etc) about a product/service. There are a few more techni-PAGE 8

calities but let’s keep things simple for the time being.

It may also be useful to better understand what word of mouth mar-

keting is and why it’s so effective in business.

Why Word Of Mouth?

"People act on

Even the world’s largest advertisers, Proctor and Gamble, have

only a tiny, tiny

their attention focused on word of mouth because, depending on

handful of the

the research you look at, consumers rank the recommendations

thousands of

they receive from friends and family as the 92% most influential in

ads, commer-their buying decisions (vs. traditional advertising).

cials, and sales

Large phone service providers offer the customer an opportunity to

calls they re-receive all their mobile calls free to the friends and family that join

ceive each

the network from word of mouth referrals. Web host companies of-week. But they

fer a free month service for every new customer referred.

act on many, if

not most, of the

Even McDonald’s used a word of mouth strategy in launching their

recommenda-Red Box DVD rental machines. They launched a contest that asked

tions from

a person to sign-up for a password and then tell all of their friends

friends and

to go to McDonald’s and rent a DVD from the Red Box machine.

trusted advi-When friends entered this same password as a coupon code, they

sors." - George

received their first night’s DVD rental for free, while the original re-Silverman, The

ferrer was entered into a contest to win $1000.

Secrets of

Instead of putting up billboards, running television advertisements

WOM Marketing

and hiring celebrities to promote these new Red Box DVD rental

machines, McDonald’s recognized the intelligence of word of mouth

marketing and simply created an incentive to encourage customers

to refer and create more customers.

While the majority of businesses ignore the growing strength of

word of mouth in this sea of too much information where consumers

How Can

are becoming desensitized to advertising messages that bombard

them everywhere they turn… some of the smarter firms (including

YOU Make

the majority of the Fortune 500 companies and other new emerging

Extra Money?

fast growth innovative leaders) are looking at how to create a word

of mouth (how to create a network marketing) structure.

Find Out On

Page 56

And typically, the best of these companies are the ones that are on

the forefront of a lot of other "new ways of thinking" and "new technologies". They aren't the me-too product developers. Some of

these companies take an approach to completely devote their entire

advertising/marketing efforts to effective word of mouth. They de-Dear Employee,

velop strategies to get their customers talking (to create more cus-Your Job Sucks

tomers). These are the “network marketing” companies. This simply

Author—Rob Toth

means they have a referral-incentive program and a compensation

plan based on standard network marketing compensation models.


What are some of the ways a company could get their customers

"The way

talking faster and more frequently? Give them incentives. Yes, dis-women try new

count coupons and free products might do the trick. But how about

products is a

a part of the profits from the referral of these new sales? Again, this

refers to satisfied customers simply referring new customers

girlfriend puts

through conversations. Nothing new here. We do it all the time.

an arm around

her and says,

There’s a little catch phrase among network marketing profession-

"This stuff is


fantastic. You

ought to try it."

“There are two types of people in this world. Those who receive a

It's word of

commission check for their referrals and those who don’t.”


- Michael

Each one of us, as a consumer, networks on a regular basis. We

Silverstein, au-share our opinions on what product/service we like and what we

thor of

don’t like. But the majority still let the companies keep all the profits,

"Treasure Hunt:

while a small percent of the crowd are now also gaining tax advantages and earning increasingly larger checks for these same en-Inside the Mind


of the New Consumer"

(Why tax advantages? Because as a network marketer, you are an

independent contractor and in business for yourself. That business

entitles you to tax deductions for a variety of activities. Check with

your local tax professional, but the meal you have with a friend (if

you mention the product/service which you are contracted with) becomes tax deductible, the ink for your printer, percent of your internet usage, percent of your phone bills, and much more can become

tax deductions. Yet you aren’t doing much that’s different. You are

still basically just saying “Here, check this out. This is what I’m using and this is what I like about it”… meaning you are still recommending products and services as you always have been, but now

have a business and new income stream based around this.)

Take a friend who is a realtor here locally. He knows that I would

How Can

(and do) send him referrals as they come up in conversation. If I

YOU Make

know someone is in the market to buy a home or looking to sell and

needs a realtor, I refer them to him. Yet he passed on a financial

Extra Money?

incentive that if one of the customers I refer buys, he will hand over

Find Out On

$500 as a thank you. Again, he’s setting up an environment that

Page 56

really fosters word of mouth by providing this financial incentive.

Now, if I refer someone it won’t be because of the $500, it will be

because he’s a friend but also a professional at what he does and I

know that my colleagues would be in good hands working with him.

But having this extra “thank you” and incentive allows me to make

Dear Employee,

sure that I have his contact information and business cards on

Your Job Sucks


Author—Rob Toth

Network marketing does the same but with more structure and often


very advanced tracking systems and compensation programs that

"... as consum-allow customers and “associates” to gain as much of the profit for

ers increasingly

their direct and even indirect referrals as possible.

feel barraged

What's involved in word of mouth recommendations that you're

by marketing

likely used to?


A product or service manufactured by the company.

they're blocking

A consumer who had a positive experience on that product/

out traditional



Communication of this positive experience to another individ-and looking


more to other

people for ad-Think about that. Pick anything you've told a friend or associate

vice on what to

about. It can even be how the HP printer is better than a Lexmark

buy." - Mary Jo

for their home office. What was involved there?

Feldstein, St.

The manufacturer (in this case HP) created a printer that in

your opinion is superior.

Louis Post-

You had a great experience with this printer for some reason


or another.

And now you had a conversation on the phone when your

friend told you he's looking to buy a Lexmark printer.

Imagine that for your legitimate word of mouth recommendation (in

this case for that HP printer), it's not just the manufacturer that gets

paid (through their profits from the sale)... but so do you if your

friend now buys one of their printers. Why do you get paid for a simple recommendation? Because you were a temporary marketer for

their product. You were the one who took the time and explained

what you liked about the HP printer vs. the Lexmark printer and

educated your friend on what to look for. Although you weren’t selling (as you genuinely wanted to help and were simply providing

your experience), you did a better job in assisting to create that sale

than a salesrep likely could have (since your friend trusts your opinion) and you certainly did more than an advertisement could have

How Can

done. Meaning, it wasn’t Hewlett-Packard’s sales reps or expensive

YOU Make

print advertising that created this new customer, it was you. You

were a "word of mouth marketer" or "network marketer" for that

Extra Money?


Find Out On

Page 56

Take it a bit further though (to now really see how network marketing organizations get built).

You established a long term customer for HP, so now every time

your friend buys HP products (including ink for his printer), you earn

Dear Employee,

10% of that sale, yet you don’t do the selling, the delivering or the

Your Job Sucks

customer service. You do nothing in the equation. You simply

Author—Rob Toth

brought a customer to the manufacturer. And you did this because

you genuinely felt that your friend (and others) would benefit more



through using this manufacturer’s products.

“I’ve owned restaurants, cloth-Now, here’s where I’ll really cook your noodle…

ing stores, a

chocolate fac-If your friend later in life has a conversation with somebody else

about printers and that person too buys a HP brand printer... you

tory, apartment

earn a portion of that sale too. Why? Because it was your indirect

buildings, com-referral that brought this business to HP. Had you not told your own

mercial build-friend about this printer line, he would certainly not have told his

ings, seminar

friend, etc.


newsletter busi-Below is a diagram of one common referral-genealogy structure

nesses, direct-called “The Binary” because of how the tracking and payments are

mail multimedia,

setup on two (hence binary) teams or “legs”. You’ll notice how from

and software

the original person, a few direct referrals occur, but from those new

businesses. I’ve

customers more referrals occur and so forth. When any of these

invested in

customers makes a purchase, the original referrer earns a commission (based on the compensation plan’s payout structure).

Broadway plays.

I’ve even owned

a piece of a professional bas-ketball team, the

Utah Jazz. Networking marketing beats them


- Robert Allen,

NY Times Bestselling Author

How Can

YOU Make

Extra Money?

Find Out On

Page 56

Think As the Business Owner

If you have a company that sells musical instruments, would you

Dear Employee,

rather spend money and time on creating ads, hiring sales reps, hir-Your Job Sucks

ing and training customer service reps to handle purchases or

Author—Rob Toth

would you rather look for an independent marketer (which can be

an experienced network marketer) and offer them the opportunity to



walk with 40% commissions from the profits for their direct sale ef-

"The typical

forts and 2% for all future re-orders from these customers as well as

network mar-any sales made by the independent contractors (distributors) that

keter’s benefit

they find and train?


The network marketing model is saving companies millions yet cre-

‘You work when

ating more loyal customers. With the recent launch of the Word Of

you want, how

Mouth Association, there is more and more attention in leveraging

you want, and

the power of a "satisfied customer". Network marketing is quickly

with whom you



I see a more

Below is a brief video of a quick search through the online book-seamless weav-store giant,’s database for the keyword “network mar-ing together of

keting”… let’s see what we uncover. Click the image to play the

work and family


in network marketing than in

any other sec-tor of the economy."

- Professor Paul

Zane Pilzer

(Economist, Entrepreneur, Author)

How Can

YOU Make

Extra Money?

Find Out On

Page 56

The following video presents the Direct Selling Association’s website. There are a couple of key points that are highlighted. Click the

image to play the video...

Dear Employee,

Your Job Sucks

Author—Rob Toth



It’s A Pyramid Scam

It’s about time you realized and admitted to it too!

The person at the top makes all the money. And the people below

do all the work. Eventually the people below start to quit and get replaced by new people who do all the work. The person at the top

still makes all the money.

And so many are falling for this scam every day. They are putting

in their time, energy, sacrificing time with the family, sacrificing their

dreams of travel, and everything else for these scams.

How Can

YOU Make

I know one person (a friend from high school) involved with a scam

Extra Money?

like this and he’s talking about how “after 10-12 years, I can proba-bly make $140,000 per year”. Maybe, but who is he kidding? And

Find Out On

even if does make that much, it’s because the people above him

Page 56

are making even more.

That’s why I will never understand…