Dear Employee, Your Job Sucks by Rob Toth - HTML preview

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Introduction: Money Through Marketing

This is the education they conveniently forgot to pass on to you

back in your high school years. In fact, it’s very likely that no matter

what you studied, you didn’t learn of this in college either. And I can

assure you that you have not and wil not hear of this from your


I’m talking of education about money. More specifically money

through marketing (and as often as possible, money through automated marketing).

That’s what this book is about.

For savvy investors and business owners, this book will present

how disturbingly lucrative marketing can be. For employees, the

book will show how technology and the right marketing systems can

start building additional income streams for the household. Income

streams that are independent of time and effort.

I want to jump into the subject matter as immediately as possible.

However, I do need to lay a bit of ground work to ensure we are all

starting from the “same page”.

Some of what I intend to leave you with is a better understanding of

how to judge whether you are using a leaky income model and also

give you specific ways of setting up automated marketing money.

The Down Escalator

If you don’t feel you are where you want to be financially, it’s impor-How Can

tant for you to realize that you have likely been walking up a down

YOU Make

escalator for quite some time now. You can put in the effort and try

to get to a higher platform with your finances, but if the escalator is

Extra Money?

heading down, you will be exerting a lot of effort and not getting far.

Find Out On

Page 56

That might take the shape of having a full-time job and a part-time

job, working overtime, yet still struggling with debt. Or it may be a

business you are pouring a lot of time and money into, but seeing

very little profit yield.

Dear Employee,

Let me just add to that down-escalator analogy as it’s a useful illus-Your Job Sucks


Author—Rob Toth

What happens if you start walking upwards on a downwards escala-PAGE 5

tor? You will have put in more effort than you really need to (as

nearby, there is an up escalator as well) but you can still get half

way to the top and maybe even right to the top. But what happens if

you stop walking (working) altogether? You end up at the bottom.

Contrast that to earned income. What happens if you don’t show up

to work this week (other than possibly being quickly promoted to the

position of customer)? If you don’t work, you don’t earn. If you don’t

earn, you soon end up at the bottom (financially). That’s because

employment is a dependent income model. It is entirely dependent

upon your energy and your time. And while there is nothing wrong

with hard work (I have built ponds during the winter while it was

raining, I have worked 90 hours per week with 2 full time jobs and 1

part time and have worked 15+ hour shifts when helping launch a

restaurant), hard work will only produce large financial gains when it

is used to create more and more independent (automated) income


For as long as you rely entirely on a paycheck (slave to the wage),

you may achieve self-satisfaction but not financial comfort and certainly not financial freedom.

I won’t get into what you need to or should do. I’m simply going to

show you where some of these up escalators are. At some point, if

you’ve never stood on an up escalator (stay with the analogy), it

may be uncomfortable and it may even seem too good to be true.

Here you have been putting in all this effort to get even half way on

a down escalator and here I come along and tell you that this so-called up escalator allows you to simply stand on it, and through its

automation, can take you to the top? Exactly!


What stops the average individual from stepping onto the up esca-How Can


YOU Make

Lack of knowledge

Extra Money?


Find Out On

Page 56

Lack of education is addressed in this book as well as in the handful

of key resources that are highlighted. Conformity (thinking like everyone else and following the large group) is the opposite of courage,

but it’s also a decision… one that only you can make.

Dear Employee,

Your Job Sucks

The Hardest Work You Will Ever Do

Author—Rob Toth

The hardest work you will ever do (if you choose to) is to understand that what is presented in this book is likely the easiest way


you could ever create additional income. I’ll repeat that because it’s

that important… the hardest work you will ever do is to realize just

how simply you could be creating additional income.

Don’t read that as just a play on words. It may indeed be challeng-ing to step out of your own way, bring in logic and reason and recognize that what is being presented is a legitimate means to… dare

I say it… easy money. Disclaimer: As I stated, it will only be “easy”

once you did the hard work which is learning why and how it’s


Prison or Work?

In prison… you spend the majority of your time in an 8x10 cell.

At work… you spend most of your time in a 6x8 cubicle.

In prison… you get three meals a day.

At work… you get a break for 1 meal and you have to pay for it.

In prison… you get time off for good behavior.

At work… you get rewarded for good behavior with more work.

In prison… a guard locks and unlocks all the doors for you.

At work… you must carry around a security card and unlock and open

all the doors yourself.

In prison… you can watch TV and play games.

At work… you get fired for watching TV and playing games.

In prison… you get your own toilet.

At work… you have to share.

In prison… they allow your family and friends to visit.

At work… you cannot even speak to your family and friends.

How Can

In prison… all expenses are paid by taxpayers with no work required.

YOU Make

At work… you get to pay all the expenses to go to work and then they

deduct taxes from your salary to pay for prisoners.

Extra Money?

In prison… you spend most of your life looking through bars from in-Find Out On

side wanting to get out.

At work… you spend most of your time wanting to get out and go in-Page 56

side bars.

In prison… there are wardens who are often sadistic.

At work… they are called supervisors.

In prison… you have unlimited time to read e-mail jokes.

Dear Employee,

At work… you get fired if you get caught.

Your Job Sucks

Author—Rob Toth