Dear Employee, Your Job Sucks by Rob Toth - HTML preview

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The Role of A Job

This is not to say that employment doesn’t have its place. Yes it

“You pretend to

does. But it should not be the financial provider for you, your goals

work while the

and your family. It should be the financial provider for your busi-company pre-ness. Meaning, the primary reason for your job should be to provide

tends to pay

that “buffer money” which you can then use for paying bills but also


to re-invest into a home based business.

When I got started, it was while holding a line cook job at Cactus

Club Restaurant in North Delta, British Columbia. I wasn’t earning

much, but it helped in building the business. I made a lot of mistakes at the time and spent money in advertising packages and

other ideas that weren’t properly thought through. Later, as the

business started profiting and I had no longer needed a job (in fact,

I had been self-employed as of age 23), I moved to Penticton, BC

(across from Skaha Beach) but a few months later I picked up a few

hours at a local nightclub, again, to use those dollars and further

fuel the business.

The biggest benefit of a low cost business can often be the biggest

obstacle for a person as well.

When an entrepreneur decides to open a new store or build a large

multi-national corporation, they will go through the song and dance

of finding investors or otherwise securing financing (not to mention

have a business plan and marketing plan in place along with appropriate budgets). They will invest to develop that business. Otherwise, they can have the best business, best product, best service

but nobody will know about it. And they will remain their only VIP


How Can

YOU Make

On the other hand, because of the extremely low cost of entry

(often just a couple of hundred dollars) and the very low monthly

Extra Money?

overhead (maybe less than $100), many quickly jump to home busi-Find Out On

ness or “work at home” income opportunities but don’t see much

from it. To use an analogy, they have a brand new Rolls Royce

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handed to them along with the keys, but they’ll never experience

“the drive” because they don’t have fuel and aren’t willing to pay for


Dear Employee,

That fuel is a marketing or advertising budget. Marketing can offer

Your Job Sucks

very high ROI (Return On Investment). Sometimes $5 invested can

Author—Rob Toth

yield not just $10 but $25 and beyond. Think about that for a min-



Yet even given this model, many never make the $5 investments

(figuratively speaking). At even $50 per week with an intelligent

marketing program, a person could start seeing returns of $300+

per week in a very short period (less than 90 days, sometimes less

than 2 weeks) time. So what gives?

“According to,

This is what sets aside the “spending” mentality of an employee vs.

survey results

the “investment” mentality of an entrepreneur.

show that in-adequate com-Suppose you are able to buy the best restaurant in the world for

pensation is by

$1000 from your brother. This, indeed, is the best restaurant in the

far the number

world. It has the best food, the best ambiance, the best staff, the

best everything. It is the best in the world. You go ahead and take

one reason that

your brother up on the offer and buy it for $1000.


want to leave

Here comes the challenge. The restaurant is located in the middle

their job within

of the desert and has no roads running by it for a 4 mile radius. And

the next three

you don’t advertise. How many customers do you think you’ll get?


None. Without the systems in place for creating a flow of customers

(in this case, road development would be one of them), your business will not prosper.

Statistically, these are the top 5 reasons why people want to make

more money:

1. Get out of debt – pay off credit cards, student loans, car loans

2. Go on more vacations (time off)

3. Have financial security through multiple streams of income

4. Retire (with money!)

5. Buy a new house

Take a look at #3 and #1 for a minute. Getting out of debt is indeed

#1 and with good reason. The average North American household

How Can

has $7000 in credit card debt alone and has next to nothing in sav-YOU Make

ings. But which do you feel is most important to set into place first…

#3 (establishing additional streams of income) or #1? Ask yourself

Extra Money?

how the “getting out of debt” is working for you with that job income

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alone. You need to setup alternative streams of income.

Page 56

What if you had the extra $1500-$2000+ per month coming in each

and every month through automated income streams? You could

use this money to quickly put a dent into your debt. But the focus,

again, should be on first establishing the added stream of income.

Dear Employee,

Your Job Sucks

If your marketing business (focused on automated and fast growth

Author—Rob Toth

marketing strategies such as network marketing and/or internet

marketing) offered a chance to turn every $10 invested into $30 or


$40… wouldn’t it make sense to invest at least $50 each week

(even if that means cutting back on some of the wasted dollars in

the household budget or even selling off dust-gathering “stuff” in the

house)? That’s how you can quickly develop several thousand extra

per month. Use most of it to then pay off debt, while using the balance to keep developing your income streams. Once you have your

debt paid off entirely, invest a healthy portion of the money you’ve

used to pay bills into your business. Grow multiple income streams

to several thousand each per week. At this point, you can evaluate

your goals and decide what else you want to accomplish in life

(other businesses you may want to build or maybe just spend time

traveling with the family).

First thing’s first…

Understand your income options.

"In this sky full

See where marketing fits in.

of people, only

See how leveraged marketing (such as network marketing and

internet marketing) can be low start-up, low risk, high yield.

some want to

Find or create a marketing system that requires little time to

fly. Isn't that


crazy?" – Seal,

Use part of your job income to build the business.


Use part of your profits to clear your debts while also creating

new streams of income for the household.

Once debt free and have several thousand in residual or

“automated” dollars coming in, figure out what you want to do

and really start to live.

Anecdote: Skipping Winter

This year I’m considering skipping winter. I don’t like it. Never much

cared for the snow or the cold. But I’m a big fan of the beach, sand

(hence I live lakeside), sunshine and patios. So for the “winter

How Can

months”, I’ll fly down to Australia to enjoy their summer… then

come back for my summer here in Canada.

YOU Make

Extra Money?

I told you that to now tell you this. I have the choice, the option, the

freedom to be a “snowbird” because I’m not tied to a job (physical

Find Out On

location) or a brick and mortar business (physical location). I can be

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on the road and as long as I have internet access for my laptop, I

can be 100% operational for business. Thanks to technologies such

as Skype, I can even make calls using an internet connection and a

simple PC headset (and if the call is to another Skype user, it’s a

free call over the internet). I can be off the shores of Surfer’s Para-Dear Employee,

dise in Australia with a satellite internet connection and be corre-Your Job Sucks

sponding with a customer in Vancouver, BC or replying to an email

Author—Rob Toth

from an associate in Rhode Island.


Remind yourself that you’re spending time getting better at something right now… every single day. Shouldn’t you be getting better

and better at something that can provide choices in your life? Does-

n’t that make more sense? I can’t be any bolder about it: Your Job

Sucks… and there are alternatives that can ensure that whether it’s

30 days from now or 1 year from now (if you’re a bit of a procrasti-nator), you can post “For Sale: One Low Paying Go-Nowhere Job”

flyers all around the office, then run a press release talking of how

“Local Company Announces Downsizing… Of One Employee,” then

tie tin cans to the bumper of your car and put up a “Just Quit” sign

on the back window while playing “Free Falling” by Tom Petty as

you drive around town honking your horn and yelling “Show Me the


I Don't Have Any Experience

Manager: "For a

You didn't have experience in tying your shoelaces, until you

man with no ex-learned how and did it over and over again. You didn't have experi-perience, you

ence in driving a car, until you learned how and practiced it. You

are certainly

didn't have experience doing whatever your job requirements ask

asking for a high

you to, until you were trained and did it day in and day out.


The question is what do you want to gain experience in? If you real-Applicant: "Well,

ize that one sale from one simple marketing campaign can hand

the work is much

over a $500 profit check then you should consider if working 40

harder when you

hours at $10/hr even compares. What do you want to keep being

don't know what

better and better at?

you are doing!"

If you plan to increase your income, you will have to spend time in

learning new skills. That could be because of a promotion or a new

job that pays better or further schooling (for additional degrees that

may help land a higher paying job). Even if you plan to purchase a

How Can

franchise, the franchisor would want you to get trained in their business system. Or it could be any other new business skills that are

YOU Make

just as simple to learn as job skills. But to increase your income,

Extra Money?

you will need to be a bit uncomfortable (because you won’t know

what you are doing) and learn these new skills.

Find Out On

Page 56

Think about learning to play the piano. As soon as you picture it, I

bet it occurs to you that it will mean many hours at a piano bench,

practicing. It will also mean that you may become a bit embarrassed

at your lack of competence. But if you want to learn to play, you will

dedicate the time to learn it. You could do the same for learning any

Dear Employee,

new language. And you could certainly do the same for the topic of

Your Job Sucks

money. Stop fearing the subject of money. Taking a line from

Author—Rob Toth

Matchstick Men, “To some folks, money is a foreign film without the

subtitles”… but that’s by choice.




The subject of money/wealth is a real topic. Nothing hokey about it.

Walk down the aisles in any bookstore and you'll find thousands of

pages on the subject. Search the internet and you’ll find months

worth of reading material on the topic. But money, not history, not

the arts, not biology… money is the most important subject any student should study. Because the rules of wealth -success principles,

economics, and the likes- are what can provide a fulfilling life. Other

education should be studied as a passion not as a requirement.

Where to start? How to cut down weeks or months of research and

get to the point?

Robert Kiyosaki’s “Perfect

There are two well known and well respected financial authors who


have their names constantly appearing on bestseller lists as well as

all over the media. They are Robert Kiyosaki of the Rich Dad series

and David Bach of the Finish Rich series.

Each of them has a library of a dozen or so books and audio

courses that can take a person from financial illiteracy to full competence in a very organized and structured manner. It is my belief that

the entire Rich Dad series as well as the Finish Rich series belongs

in your household. The full investment would likely be near $500 but

David Bach’s

that investment will yield more than a $20,000 tuition fee at your lo-

“Start Smart,

cal college. Feel free to research their material and make a decision

Finish Rich”

that’s right for you.

For now, I’ll present the “crash course” recommendation that I make

to everyone I work with. Purchase and review Robert Kiyosaki’s

“Perfect Business” audio and David Bach’s “Start Smart, Finish

Rich” audio. Through our partners, both are available for a combined cost of $6 + shipping. And the best part is, you can review the

information while driving to and from work. No need to make time

for book reading. Listen to an audio instead of rock and roll on the

How Can

way to work. Turn your car into your Mobile University.

YOU Make

These men are top authorities in finances, so be sure to pay atten-Extra Money?

tion to what they tell you. Later you should indeed purchase (or bor-Find Out On

row from your library) their respective books. But in the meantime,

Page 56

those audios, this booklet and the resources mentioned within it are

a great start.

In fact, you should register for a 14-Day Free Trial with a company

called Success University. They specialize in the delivery of educa-Dear Employee,

tion online (through streaming audios and streaming video tutori-Your Job Sucks

als). Their service is well worth the $49 charge but they offer a risk-Author—Rob Toth

free 14 day trial. Get setup for the trial and make sure you explore

their library for those 2 weeks. If you stick with the education that



the masses get exposed to (public school system, college courses,

television) you’ll have a tough time getting beyond average earnings. You need to look into and invest (time) into alternative educa-


About Alternative Education

When I was pursuing a computer science degree at Simon Fraser

University in B.C., I was enrolled in the most thought-provoking

course I had ever taken, Discrete Mathematics 101. If you would

like a bit of mental gymnastics in your day, Discrete Mathematics

delivers. It's the math of logic, or the logic of math or the math of

computing logic... I never did really understand.

Most of the students who walked into this course were coming in

there with As and Bs in high school and often even high grades in

other courses in their programs. Yet after the first midterm, the

class average grade sat at 31%. You might want to re-read that last

part. Was the professor doing that poor of a job? No. I like to think

he was one of the few who knew how to engage the class and did

his best to simplify and explain a topic that might as well have been

written in hieroglyphics and explained in sign-language. Yet, there

were about 3 individuals out of over 250 who were on the other end

of the spectrum. They knew what they were doing.

One in particular. He was hitting 88% and 92% on tests where others were getting 6% and many were hitting 17%. I remember talking

to him before class in those first few weeks, as he always sat in

front of me. And I recognized his name when it was read out as a

top grade on an assignment. Yet, after those first few weeks, I

never saw him in class.

Two months later, the midterms were held and I finally saw him. I

How Can

showed up nearly late so there was no time for chit chat but I saw

that he was there. Next day, when midterm grades are announced,

YOU Make

there he was again with 92% on the same test that I walked away

Extra Money?

with 33% (just above average... I'm not sure how I felt about that).

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I got to talking to him to find out how the heck he was getting higher

Page 56

marks yet not even showing up. He said the "secret" was in the self

education. He used our textbook and a couple of other resources

and taught himself at home. When a class assignment was handed

out, he downloaded it at home and wrote it up and delivered it in the

class drop box. Other than that, he went right back to teaching it all

Dear Employee,

to himself. And he was attaining larger success. Is there a moral to

Your Job Sucks

the story? I hope so, otherwise I just wasted a bit of your time.

Author—Rob Toth

Not long ago, I was looking through the list of the 500 top billion-PAGE 51

aires in the world. I must have looked through about 200 of them

before my eyes started burning up. I wanted to learn a bit about the

profile of each person listed. And it was very common to learn that

many of these individuals dropped out of post secondary. And some

who did not drop-out, attained success in a completely unrelated


Wait a minute! These are some of the most successful business-Mark Twain

men in the world. They are among the strongest financially. They

said it best: “I

can afford to buy whatever their dreams desire. Many of them are

never let

role models to upcoming entrepreneurs. Yet a good portion of them

schooling get in

never went to college, dropped out of college or if they graduated,

the way of my

they can’t really accredit what they learned in college to their success as it’s completely unrelated.


How could they possibly have accomplished this? Isn't that what

school is for? To get you equipped for success? I mean, are we

teaching kids to go to college just so they can have an extra piece

of paper to put on their wall and stories of dorm keg parties to tell

their friends?

Formal education has its place, but it's no secret that formal educa-

“Formal education will make you a living... self education can however make you a

tion makes you


a living. Self


The lesson is not in, "don't go to school" but instead it's in realizing