The #1 Marketing Income Opportunity
• The most visited personal de-sales and marketing.
velopment website on the inter-
• Offers automation opportunity.
Market and create customers while
you’re at your job or spending time
with the family.
• Very smart incentive trial offer
• Full system already in place
($2 donation for 14 days service)
for customer coaching and support
allows for a lot of potential custom-and for new associate training.
ers to experience the service (as
• Aligned with Feed the Chil-
well as the fast downline growth)
dren... all proceeds from $2 trial of-without risking anything.
fer subscriptions donated to this
• Network marketing based ver-charity.
sus straight commission. This • Company pays out 60% of all
quickly allows for residual income
its profits to distributors. Impres-and geometric growth (more
sive for a network marketing com-money for less effort and checks
pensation structure.
continue being paid for initial mar-
• Pays weekly… this is important.
keting efforts)
A weekly check can really make it
• New model compressed binary.
easier to balance the home budget.
Very high potential payout for savvy
• Success University now has
marketers ($1,000,000.00/annualy).
over 9,000 students in 120 coun-Yet simple earning structure al-tries
lows non-experienced individuals
to earn faster.
• Very large market ($400+ billion
per year)
Below, you have the ability to
• According to Forbes Magazine,
watch 2 brief videos that I filmed
" Internet education is the biggest
during my first 3 hours with Suc-emerging trend of the decade...
cess Univeristy. This is useful
"Webucation" is exploding in Amer-information as it is live proof.
ica and all over the world!" When
Simply realize that the results
you combine that with the 64 billion
you’ll witness were from joint
dollar per year personal develop-marketing efforts. Beginners will
ment industry, that equals huge op-not see this same pace but have
a similar opportunity. Experi-
• Helps increase financial liter-enced marketers, on the other
acy in the world. Over 96% of
hand, can certainly create these
North Americans really need the
results. Click #1 or #2 below to
type of education that can be found
watch these videos…
in this service… they just don’t
know it. That’s precisely why so
Disclaimer: This was created as
many are constantly broke. This
excited, live footage for my mail-
“alternative education” medium
ing list and colleagues. It’s com-allows for knowledge about fi-pletely adlib so please excuse
the “uhmms” and “ahs”.
• Topics covered include: relationships, financial success, health and
physical well being, spiritual growth,
The #1 Marketing Income Opportunity
In addition to its 28-Day Monthly Achievement Programs, Success University™ also offers Elective Short
Courses that all students have the privilege to attend.
These powerful streaming audio and video courses
Question: What is Success University™?
teach skills that enhance virtually every area of your life
Answer: Success University™ is the world's first online
— including personal, professional, and entrepreneurial
learning company devoted exclusively to personal devel-development. You can take up to ten of these courses
opment and entrepreneurialism. We provide our students a
at your own pace each month — and receive credits
convenient, time saving way to utilize online tools to speed
upon the completion of each.
up the learning process.
In general, the 28 Day programs take about ten to fif-Success University™ also offers an income opportunity
teen minutes a day. You will be delivered 20 lessons
without equal. Statistics show that the majority of the adult
over the course of a month, Monday through Friday.
population is extremely interested in learning how be more
The elective courses typically are anywhere from about
successful. The industry that markets books, courses and
20 minutes in length to 70 minutes in length... you can
seminars on success and personal development is a
take them on a weekend or an evening when you've got
multi-billion dollar per year industry. We've created a
some free time.
unique cash flow referral system that allows you to tap into
this booming market.
You'll also enjoy the complete Jim Rohn International
Success Plan where you'll receive a new lesson from
Question: Is Success University™ a "Multi-Level Mar-Jim each week along with a downloadable workbook.
keting" Company?
You'll have access to additional audios, ebooks, and
Answer: Everyone has a different definition of "Multi-Level
conference calls from several of the greatest speakers,
Marketing" or "Network Marketing". If your question is:
trainers, and authors in the personal development in-
"Do I have to buy inventory and stick it in my garage?"
dustry. Jim Rohn has offered this course for the past 2
"Do I have to invite friends and relatives to meetings?"
years with an astounding 90+% retention rate with
"Do I have to fill out a lot of paperwork?“
hundreds and hundreds of unsolicited testimonials.
"Do I have to pay a lot of money up front to get started?"
The complete Success University™ curriculum is the
The answer to your question is a big NO.
most advanced new way to learn all there is to know
about success!
If your question is:
"Can I make an additional income, without leaving my
Question: How do I make money? How much can I
home, while I'm setting my own hours, and learning all
there is to know about success in the process?"
Answer: In a general sense, you make a percentage of
Then the answer is a big YES.
the tuition revenue paid by the members in your organization. To see a full explanation click here.
Question: How do I take the online courses? How long
does it take — what will I learn?
Question: How do I get people to join?
Answer: You'll enjoy these life-enhancing courses through
Answer: Success University's team of expert mar-your own private online learning center where you'll ac-keters and programmers has developed a complete
cess streaming audio and video programs, automated
marketing system for you to use for FREE for the life-emailing systems, online exams, and other powerful com-time of your Success University™ membership.
munication systems that were not available to educators
as recently as a few years ago. Students never need to
Question: What do I need to do to enroll?
leave the privacy of their homes or offices to attend class
Answer: Click Here.
at Success University™.
Success University's flagship curriculum consists of a first-of-a-kind, revolutionary 28-Day Monthly Achievement Program that uses Internet-based, new-millennium technology
to deliver time-tested success principles in a way that
they've never been accessible before.
The 28-Day Monthly Achievement Programs enable you
to achieve goals you set for yourself — you just follow a
sequence of steps based on core principles of success.
Each month, you select a new 28-Day Achievement Program addressing a different topic... providing the most well
rounded success education available today.
This is it. This is the money maker.
This is how you too can create income streams on
autopilot… with a customized, branded copy of this report
and the Dear Employee system.
This report is useful not only in the content it covers, but the fact that there isn’t a price-tag to read
it. It’s offered as a free resource to everyone. That is powerful. If you can then position yourself to
be the person offering this education for free (rather than charging $47 for it), that’s a valuable
service and yet it doesn’t cost you a dime. How hard is it to give something of value for free??
But what if you can have the report branded with a couple of income streams (affiliate links) including your own Success University id? Furthermore, what if you could have ALL of the affiliate
links in the report changed to your own links (including Success University) and still offer the report for free? As the report gets sent from friend to friend, coworker to coworker, it would be your
(income generating) affiliate links in the report.
There are 2 “options” for using this report:
AS IS—As of right now, this minute, you are entitled to use this exact report (without any modifica-tions) and forward it to a friend, a coworker a family member, whoever. If you are a network marketer, you can forward it to your downline so that they may gain a bit more understanding on the
value of network marketing as a whole. If you are an internet marketer, you can use it on a
squeeze page, as part of an opt-in, as yet another bonus to help increase sales of your own products. Everyone else please get creative. The point is, you can share this copy you currently have
freely. In fact I encourage you to do so… many are LOOKING for this education (just see the 6
marketing examples earlier in the book for proof of this). You simply cannot modify this report in
any way, but use it however you like.
BRANDED– If you are already circulating this to friends, family, coworkers (who will then circulate
it to their contacts), or if you are already posting it on a website or sending it to a downline, why
not create new income streams with it?
Did you know that you could register as an affiliate (for free!) to several different products/services
mentioned in this report and then have that affiliate link included in a customized (branded) version of this report? Do you also realize that the sale of just one product from just one of those affiliate links is $400. That means even though you sent this report out to a few friends or webpage
visitors and they forwarded it to others etc… somewhere down the line, if one person visits that
product sales page and buys the product… the computer tracks which “affiliate link” the new customer came from and you would receive the $400 commission. That’s just one money-generating
opportunity. Like I mentioned earlier, this isn’t nickels and dimes… it can be big dollars…
Jul 2024
"From Invisible to Influential: How Authors Can Build Their Brand with a Professional Website"Imagine stepping out of the shadows and into the spotlight. You'...
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