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Chapter 8:
Email Marketing Mistakes To Avoid



In this last chapter, we’ll look at some email marketing mistakes to avoid so that you don’t have to walk through all the pitfalls of previous marketers.



Here are some of the common mistakes done by marketers:

1) Blatant pitching in hope that they make a sale

-Although email marketing is a lot about numbers, blatant pitching can make even a list of thousands turn into dust as  they either spam list you or become unresponsive to your offers. Which brings us to our next point:

2) Focusing too much on quantity instead of quality

-While the list in size is important, the real money is in the relationship you have with your list. So focus on making a genuine connection with your subscribers if you want to them to contribute to your coffers.

3) Using spammy looking links

4) Using “taboo” words which increase spam score of your emails You should avoid words that come off as spam by the spam blockers such as ‘Sex’, ‘FREE’, ‘Penis’, ‘viagra’ or ‘MLM”. If you really must use these words, disrupt the spelling by putting a “.” in between (e.g. make money online)

5) Finally, you should avoid using full capitals in any part of your email, whether if it’s in your headline, copy or call to action. This increases spam score and sounds too salesy which lowers conversions. Treat your list with respect.

In short, good email marketing practices must be employed if you wish to build a responsive list which listen to you.
