Email Nuts and bolts by Ben Sweetland - HTML preview

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Chapter 7:
Advanced Email Marketing Tricks



In this section, I’m going to share with you some advanced email marketing techniques for added profits.



Here’s how you go by creating massive profits using automated emails. In every autoresponder, you can set up a series of emails which brings new subscribers through a funnel of emails over a time period.

One effective way to draw maximal conversions from your list is to first provide free valuable content before attempting to pitch. Here’s an example of an effective funnel I’ve been using to generate passive income:

Day 1 Introductionary email and link to free opt in gift
Day 3 Free valuable content
Day4 – Free valuable content
Day 5 – Free valuable content
Day 6 – Give a free gift
Day 7 – Pitch offer
Day 8 – Reminder of offer
Day 10 – Follow up thank you email

I find that this often results in higher conversions. As the saying goes, you will be paid in direct proportion to the amount of value you provide to your customers.

Therefore, after receiving so much free stuff and good value from you, they are bound to purchase your product!

This is way better than just blatantly pitching them after getting their emails, which often results in opt-outs.

If you wish to take things a step further, you can offer free bonus gifts if they buy through your email link (affiliate link). When people see affiliate offers, they often look around to see which affiliate gives the most valuable gifts.

Remember, it’s all about increasing click through rates and conversions, so do your best to make your subscribers like what you preach!
