Email Nuts and bolts by Ben Sweetland - HTML preview

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Chapter 3:
List Building Essentials



So how do you start building a list, exactly?

You will first need to set up your list funnel. It typically consists of 3 components:

1) Landing page or Squeeze Page

2) Free Gift or “Bribe”

3) Opt in box

The landing page is a simple one page website which consists of a headline, sub headline, pitch & benefits and call to action.


What You Need

The headline has to be eye-catching and bolded to immediately get your reader’s attention. The sub headline will reinforce the message of the headline.

The purpose of the page is to “bribe” a visitor to enter his name and email in exchange for a free gift. This could be an e-book, e-course or weekly newsletter.

The benefits are meant to explain what the reader would get from this free gift and to improve sign up rates.

Finally, in the call to action, you inform the reader that they must enter their name and email to get the free gift.

The place where the reader enters his contact information is known as the “opt in box”, which can be obtained from to email autoresponder host website.

Autoresponders like Getresponse offer easy customizations for opt-in boxes to make boxes suit your site layout easier.

Alternatively, you can choose to put your opt in box in your blog or website to collect subscribers. The choice is entirely yours but landing pages often have higher opt in rates because visitors only have less choices – Opt in or don’t as compared to blogs.

There you have it; your list building system is ready. All you need is a bunch of traffic and you’re all set to build a huge list!