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Viral Adsense Attack Plan: A Low-Overhead Earner

If you are looking for a lower-overhead means of producing some extra revenue while simultaneously improving your search engine result placement for another project, consider combining the power of article marketing with Adsense by implementing a viral attack plan.

Article marketing is one of the best possible ways to promote your sites and online moneymaking efforts.

You are probably already doing some article marketing. The process is simple. You write an article, distribute it to various article directories (including a brief biography and a link to your site). Not only does the material appear on the directory itself, it also spreads virally, as other webmasters use the article on their own sites--publishing your link along with the material. In other words, it spreads virally.

One great article can produce scores of back links.


That’s really only half of the story, though.


Those articles can also produce a direct traffic flow.

If you’ve been involved in article marketing, you have probably noticed that your sites receive a surprising number of hits from those articles directly. We often think of using articles only in terms of increasing SERPs, but they can also produce a nice traffic stream.

Now, consider the fact that almost all article repositories will allow you to include more than one link in that bio box.

You could use it to promote any one of your other sites, but perhaps some of the articles in support of a project don’t really seem to fit with your other efforts. Or, maybe you are only working with one major endeavor and don’t really have any other great places to send that traffic.

That’s not a problem. That is an opportunity.

You can build a small website--maybe even a single page mini-site--devoted to a related topic that has relatively highly paying keywords.
That site can then be outfitted with Google Adsense. Those who find your article on any of the countless sites upon which it might eventually appear can follow the bio link to the mini-site. You get laser-targeted traffic as a result. You can ramp up the value of the site even more by providing visitors an opportunity to opt in for your email newsletter or announcers.

That formerly unused space in your bio box is not creating Adsense revenue and building your list at the same time--the ultimate source of low-maintenance future sales.

Meanwhile, it is still building your back link total for your primary effort.


Oh, and of course, you might even find your mini-site nabbing some search engine traffic because of all of those links, too.


Active article marketers add at least a few articles to directories weekly.


Within a few months, you can create a healthy Adsense bonus by applying that viral tool to a specially created (and easy to make) mini-site.


The process costs virtually nothing to implement and can produce some compelling results.