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The masters don’t rest after that launch.

You’d think that after a massive successful product introduction those gurus would just sit back and count their cash. They don’t. They keep marketing that product. They keep it on people’s mind.
They remind late buyers that they have a second chance and they gleefully report the positive comments and feedback they have received from those who bough early.

Yes, Internet marketing does allow you to create residual income streams. However, you shouldn’t confuse residual with maintenance-free. Keep promoting after the launch.

Push your product hard until it’s exhausted its possibilities. Even the best don’t rest upon their laurels.


Internet marketing gurus aren’t on top of their field because of luck. In most cases, they aren’t there because of the right product, either.


Their continued success and immediate recognition comes from their skills, techniques and persistence.


You may not be positioned to create the world’s most talked about new product launch yet, buy you are always in a position to learn from the best.

Examine gurus and their actions closely. Learn what they do to pull down those big numbers. Then, incorporate those lessons into your own efforts. Even by embracing just a few of the “big gun” strategies mentioned in this chapter, you can improve your performance a great deal.