GDI Star Plan by Dimitris Theodosopoulos - HTML preview

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Traffic Exchanges will become your best friends while you will be promoting GDI. But first, what exactly are Traffic Exchanges? TEs are programs that drive traffic to your website. They always insure that real eyes are seeing your website. Let me tell you how TEs work. Traffic from TEs can be purchased or earned. To earn traffic you simply look at a website inside a frame for anywhere from 10 to 35 seconds, then you simply hit “next” and you will be shown the next website. Generally it is a 2:1 ratio, meaning that for every 2 sites you see, they will show your site once. That's the reason why TEs are free. The other hit that you created is sold to people who don't have time to surf.

Most of TEs offer a paid membership so that you can have a constant 1:1 or even better like 1:5 ratio. Upgrading will save you a lot of time of your advertising, but I recommend you to make your first investments on software and tools that will help you automate your business.

Out purpose here is to get people's information and not show them the Flash presentation. When you get their email and then begin sending them info about GDI following the way you will be shown later in the Autoresponders' Chapter, the results will be by far better.

Now, before beginning with TEs, you should learn some secrets:

l Always use a Splash Page or Lead Capture Page
People will never pay attention to a website worth of text. They are there to sell, not to buy. Use either the Movie page (not recommended)
( or even better create your own Splash Pages. I personally do not prefer the flash presentation method, so I have created some simple Splash Pages to use. When people click on the Splash Page, they are driven to my Lead Capture Page, where I get their information. You can create your own custom Lead Capture Pages at the following website Ez Lead Capture. They have a paid membership, but they provide high quality Lead Capture Pages. Of course you can also use the Lead Capture Page itself in TEs, but using a Splash Page in TEs , that will send them to your Lead Capture Page is preferable. Yet both ways are effective. I have included in this package a Splash Page Creator to create your own custom Splash Pages if you know html language and some Splash Pages I use myself. I have also added a document containing links to GDI's Lead Capture Pages (I like those pages a lot). Remember, we use TEs in order to get people's information. Sending them emails is much more preferred to showing them a cold and impersonal presentation. Of course, also use GDI's Lead Capture Page of the flash presentation along with the others.

l Most TEs are flooded with GDI advertisements
If you use TEs you will have realized by now that there appear too many GDI websites while you are surfing. Most of them are the Movie Capture Page or GDI's main webpage. Check it out for yourself next time you surf. You will see that this is a fact. Even if some people place in TEs a custom website they have created themselves, most times these sites are not professionally designed and people don't bother reading them. You want your GDI advertisement to be something different than usual. That's why you will not prefer the common GDI webpage and Movie Capture Page. The viewer has already seen them and if he has rejected them once he will reject them as many times he sees them in the future. You need to attract him in a different way. Those GDI Lead Capture pages I mentioned at the beginning, are not used very much, because they are not provided at your backoffice, so people cannot find them. The links are posted somewhere in GDI forum, but you have to make a really good search to discover them. They look extremely professional and are perfectly designed to catch people's attention. Use them (I have sent the links to them in your package). As I mentioned before, you should also use the Movie Capture page. It will do no harm.

l People will click if you offer something FREE
If you advertise a free program you will get about 1 sign-up for every 100 views of your page. If you advertise a paid program you will get about 1 sign-up for every 5000 views of your page. So make sure that you never mention in your page that GDI costs 10$ per month. You should tell people that they can join for free (which is true) or they can begin without spending money at all or they can try it for free. You will not tell them lies if you write in your page that they can begin for free. But avoid writing that it costs to join, because you will lose a lot of clicks.

l Surf as many TEs as you can
You don't want to sit and surf the same 5 programs for 3 hours. You see your page receives a specific maximum amount of traffic every day and if you create more it will not be used until the next day. So if you do this every day you will just create traffic that will never be used. You want all your traffic to be received every day and you want to reach as many people as possible. I will show exactly how to surf in a few minutes.

l Many people believe that TEs do not work
Those people just don't use them correctly, that's why they believe they don't work. They say that no one is looking at the pages and that everyone is just going from one to next to the next. They are very wrong because human mind is so powerful and capable of capturing the content of a splash page in the few seconds that it takes to the surfer to find the next button. It takes 5 to 12 contacts before 85% of the people who will respond to your ad actually do.

Now that you know everything about TEs, you can continue by joining the best TEs in the net. I have collected them all below. Just click on each program and sign up for free (do not add your url in TEs yet, just sign up):

1. TS25
2. Traffic Swarm
3. Start Xchange
4. Hit Safari
5. WebBizInsider
6. Surf To Success
7. Top Surfer
8. Savvy Clicks
9. Traffic Pods
10. Hit Pulse
11. ClickinFingers
12. Fontoon
13. I love Hits
14. Advertising Know How
15. Swat Traffic
16. Traffic At The Races
17. Max Traffic Pro
18. True View Traffic
19. Hit Pirate
20. e Traffic Freedom
21. Dragon Surf
22. Hit Hurricane
23. WebMaster Quest
24. TrafficG
25. Wolf Surfer
26. 10kHits4uNow
27. Magnify Traffic
28. Mystical Maze
29. Click Crazey
30. Clicks 4 Education

Let me show you now how to surf. First of all you need to download and install, if you have not already done, Mozilla Firefox web browser. It is free to download. Just click on the following link: Mozilla Firefox

This web browser allows you to open multiple tabs so that you can surf multiple TEs at the same time. I recommend you to create 3 groups of 8 TEs each or 4 TEs at the same time. I recommend you to create 3 groups of 8 TEs each or 4 5 hours surfing every day you will start having results from the first week.

Creating groups of your TEs will allow you to move from one to the the next and click the “next site” button just in time when each TE timer stops. In this way you will take advantage of the whole time you spend in TEs.

Remember that you use TEs in order to get sign-ups, so focus on what you are doing and don't lose time on other people offers. It is very possible that your eye will catch a lot of really appealing offers, but don't stop your work to read them, because creating your list is what matters most.

Also remember to upgrade to some of your TEs, when your first income comes. This will save you a lot of time and bring more traffic to your page.


You have set your TEs up and everything is ready for you to start surfing. Yet there is another issue you will have to take care of. You need to monitor your pages shown in TEs and know which are clicked (if you have placed splash pages) or not so that you replace them.
A great program that keeps track of your advertisements is
Track That Ad. This program is free to join and it offers really helpful tools to monitor your ads.

Let me show you how it works.

When you sign up, login to your backoffice. Then click on “My Rotator” to add your links. Add all the links you have created for your GDI splash pages and Lead Capture Pages one by one and select weight/priority to 5 for all of your links. When you add all your links, the system will generate a new TrackThatAd link. This is the link, which you have to put in TEs. Don't sit and place each link manually in all TEs, because it will take a lot of time. Now, when you start receiving traffic, each of your pages will be viewed 5 times before the next one.

If you realize that one of your splash pages is not clicked while other are, just replace it with a new one. Or if you realize that one of your splash pages gets a lot of clicks, you may higher the Weight/Priority level from yourTrackThatAd backoffice, so that this splash page is viewed more.

Now, continue placing yourTrackThatAd link in your TEs and begin surfing.