GDI Star Plan by Dimitris Theodosopoulos - HTML preview

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Pay Per Clicks Search Engines or PPCs are recommended b many people, however it can be the fastest way to broke if you don't know what you are doing. A pay per click means that you bid on certain keywords related to your business or product. Then you type a brief 3-line ad. Now when someone types your keyword in search engines, your ad is shown. If that person clicks on your ad, then the PPC search engine will charge whatever you bid, thus you “Pay Per Click.

Google is the most popular of these PPC search engines. The problem is that it is also the most expensive PPC. The PPCs below will cost you quite a bit less. 1. Enhance
3. Ignite
And here is a PPC search engine, which was created just for business opportunities: My Search Site.

However to really advertise correctly on any PPC, you need to know how. If you do not know what you are doing or bid wisely, it will be the fastest way to broke. Definite Way To Google Adwords can help you learn how to get the most out of a PPC search engine. If you are going to play the PPC advertising game you must know the rules. This book will teach you how to choose the right keywords and find better keywords and bidding systems. You can get the “5 Days To Success” mini course for free to learn more about how this could help you.
Another powerful program that will help you a lot creating thousands of profitable ads and teach you how to maximize profits with PPCs is
Ad Word Generator.
Keyword Elite is a simple program for use with PPC search engines, that gives you an almost unfair advantage over your competitors. Keyword Elite helps you find what keywords your competition is using. The program creates a long list of keywords that are low cost, but high in response.

If you decide to advertise GDI with PPCs, you need to create a website (use your .ws domain name) and provide information about the business. Keep it simple, give some information, but try to focus on making people to fill your online form that your website contains and do not reveal too many details. Also, do not forget to mention that this opportunity is free to test. People like it free! I recommend you to add some extra information about bonuses. For example, say that he will not have to promote anything or refer anyone, because you are going to place members in his downline. I will talk about this technique in “The 2 Members Method” Chapter. Creating a website like this, that offers a great product and the ability for everyone to create a big downline without much effort, will make the viewer become curious and eventually he will fill the form and pass his information to you.


What you have tried to do until now is to build a list of prospects, a list of people to whom you are going to send information about your business opportunity, GDI. Having a list of prospects is the most important thing in any business. Prospects will become customers and partners, they will bring money to you and make your business successful. By following the ways you were shown previously, you will build a very targeted list, a quality audience, that will be ready to join your opportunity.

But what happens if you don't have time to surf in TEs or typing ads for PPCs is not something you want to do? There are several companies on the net that sell Leads, people's full information that the companies gathered either from autoresponder forms or by phone or from online surveys. GDI also sells packages of leads. I suggest you never buy leads from GDI. First of all the price is very high for the number of leads they offer and secondly I didn't have too much success with their leads and by what other members in my downline have told me they neither saw results with GDI's leads. After all a lot of people are sceptical about buying leads generally, because they doubt of their quality.

However, if you want to buy leads in order to build your list, I have found for you a couple of companies that offer very quality leads in great prices. So, here are the links to those websites:

l Oppseekers
Traffic Oasis

I have bought leads from these 2 companies several times in the past and I can tell you for sure that quality of those leads is guaranteed. Additionally, the lead packages are affordable for everyone.
Oppseekers sell really huge lead packages very cheap.
Traffic Oasis offers an additional paid membership and if you upgrade, you will be able to build a downline as well and join the company's great compensation plan. They also send a package of leads to their upgraded members every month.


Either you have created your list yourself or you have purchased a lead package, you now have to turn your prospects into customers and partners. You are going to do this by sending them information about your business opportunity, GDI, via email. Autoresponders are used exactly for this purpose. There are both free and paid autoresponder services, but I highly recommend that you trust a paid membership in this. You have to assure that your emails will be received by the prospects, otherwise all your efforts are gone. Paid autoresponder services have an extremely high rate of successful rate, over 99% of your emails will reach your audience. I give you the best 2 autoresponder companies on the net:

1. Getresponse 2. Aweber
There are small differences at the price between the 2 services. Aweber is a bit more expensive thanGetresponse, but both are two very powerful promoting tools.
There are 2 options here:

1. If you want to build your list yourself using a Lead Capture Page in TEs or PPCs, you will have to create an online form so that your members fill in when they come to your page. This form can be easily created using the autoresponder's services. When you have created a form, simply copy and paste the code to your page or website and you are done. Now each time someone fills the online form, his email will be automatically inserted in your autoresponder's database and he will start receiving emails immediately.

2. If you have bought a lead package, simply insert your leads into your autoresponder, click a button and your emails will be on their way.

Now about the emails your prospects will start receiving after their information is inserted in the autoresponders. Of course, don't expect them to join GDI immediately after your 1st email. Stats show that a prospect will read about 7 emails before he eventually signs up. So I suggest that you create a campaign of 10-12 emails to be sent regularly to the prospects.
Don't email your prospects every day, because they may get tired of your persistence and want to unsubscribe from your list. Email them every 2 days and after your 8th email is sent email them every 3 days.

You can find very good email resources or ask for them in GDI Forum (, but I have also sent you a file that contains some pre-written emails for you to use immediately.

So set your autoresponder up and off you go!


Maybe you have never thought that this could be a great way of advertising, but posting in forums is considered to be too valuable for both of you and of course your business.

People post in forums for 4 reasons:

1. They can get advise
2. They can discover new products, ideas, tips, tools
3. They can make contact with others and possibly set up joint ventures
4. Site promotion

We will concentrate on how you can promote your website (business opportunity) by posting in several forums.

First of all, before posting in a forum, you should create a signature, that will be displayed at the bottom of all your posts. Of course you should create a nice short ad about GDI, that people will always view when they read your posts. Also you want to get a lot of exposure, so make sure that each of your posts contain your full name. Don't forget to upload a photo of yourself so that you let people know you and personalize more your posts.

When you complete these tasks, you will be ready to actually take part in the forum's discussions.

All day long, across countless thousands of forums on the net, people are asking questions.
- Where can I find...?
- How do I...?
- What do I need to...?

You can take one of those questions and approach it from another angle. For example you can expand it to be more general or you can alternatively narrow the focus or you can find related issues. The idea is to come up with a topic which would provide valuable and much wanted information. A topic with a big appeal. This would be the ideal for you to do.

But not everyone is able to create topics that will attract a lot of eyes. In this case, you can post replies to other people's topics and offer them some valuable information about what they are looking for. This will not have to do with GDI, it could be a completely different task. But the more replies and solutions you give to people, the more your name and your signature will be viewed. Day after day people will start learning your name and then they will get curious about what is the offer about in your signature. And then they click on it.

Don't think that becoming known in a forum is a difficult thing. All you have to do is reply to posts and giving some good answers or just make comments about what other people say. It is absolutely certain that you will find a lot of topics that you will know how to give valuable answers in a forum.

Besides that you can get sign-ups from posting in forums, you can use them for finding answers to your questions after all. I spend 3-5 hours per day in forums and every day I learn something new. I make about 5-10 posts in each forum every day either by replying to other people's questions or by creating my own topics.

I give you below the links to some very active forums related to MLM opportunities:

l Internet Marketing Forum
l Home Based Business Forums
l Work At Home Network
l Online MLM
l MLM Talk Online
l MLM Forum
l DreamTeam Money
l Proffit Seekers Network
l Proffit Seekers Network

The Internet Marketing Forum is a great forum that also allows you to post ads in the website absolutely free. All forums mentioned above are very active and you can learn a lot of new things just by reading other people's posts.

Spend a lot of time in forums and you will earn people's trust. They will trust your offer as well.