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B2B Inbound Content Marketing: Why the 2 biggest excuses for not doing it are completely false


The biggest excuse why the senior management at many B2B companies say that inbound content marketing will not work for them, and that it is a waste of time and money, is because they think their product/service and industry is boring and there is nothing to write about. This assumption is dead wrong and costing you potentially thousands/millions in lost sales.

B2B blog posts are not boring to your niche market

If your product and industry was boring, your product and industry would not exist. There would be no products or services in your industry. There would be no trade shows or trade associations in your industry. There would be no businesses in your industry. There would be no people or businesses who buy the products or services you sell. You would not have started your business if your product/service was boring and nobody had any interest in it.

The fact of the matter is that the industry you are in, and the products or services you sell, exist because they serve an important purpose. They solve problems. They make the lives of people and/or businesses easier. And making a person's life easier (or a business) is mighty interesting to the people whose lives benefit from your product/service.

It does not matter if you sell industrial ball bearings, industrial freezers, or industrial gravel sorters; there is a group of consumers (your niche market) who care a heck of a lot about it. It is for those consumers that you create your free content (your blog posts, white papers, free ebooks, free reports, free training videos, etc.) so they will see you as an expert in your industry who provides helpful information, and they will want to do business with you.