How to Make Money With Private Label Rights by John Mills - HTML preview

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Section 1 – Important “Must Have” Tools

As it is with any business, there are certain tools that you absolutely must have in order to be successful. This is no different.

The good news is that the tools you need are either free or extremely inexpensive, so don’t be worried. This isn’t one of those businesses where you have to come up with thousands of dollars just to get started.

Tool #1 – PLR Dashboard
PLR Dashboard
is a free private label rights management program that allows you to organize your content and find it quickly when you need it.


It allows you to:


• Instantly search through all of your private label rights content by keyword and/or file type


• Store login URLs, usernames, and passwords to all of your PLR memberships and content sources


• Track exactly how much money you're spending every month on PLR memberships


• Get organized with file count and activity reporting for all of your private label rights content


PLR Dashboard is an extremely valuable tool that will help you get the most out of your private label rights content and again, it’s totally free.


Click here right now to download your copy of PLR Dashboard.


Tool #2 – Email Autoresponder

Having an email autoresponder is absolutely vital to your success online. It allows you to automatically follow up with prospects and customers, manage newsletters, and gives you a quick and easy way to contact everyone on your list by writing a single email.

We’ll be going over some effective strategies for using autoresponders in a little bit, but before we move on it’s important that you get one set up first.

There are several different options on the market as far as autoresponders go, but the one that I’ve had the most success with (and still use to this day) is AWeber.

AWeber is recognized as the leader in email marketing, offering the highest email deliverability rates, low pricing, great support, and much more. With your AWeber autoresponder account, you’ll be able to create and manage unlimited campaigns, lists, follow up messages, and newsletters.

Note: If you’ve never worked with an autoresponder before, don’t worry. AWeber has several excellent training guides and videos (included free) as well as unlimited customer support. You’re not left on your own and you’ll get all the help you need.

Click here to create your AWeber autoresponder account.


Tool #3 – Reliable Hosting


I could write an entire book about all of my nightmare hosting experiences but I’ll save you the time and paraphrase it for you.


Get reliable web hosting!


Not all hosts are created equal and cheapest is not necessarily better. In fact, you usually get what you pay for with hosting.

Choose the wrong host, and your business could suffer from massive downtime and poor support… costing you hundreds or even thousands of dollars in the process.

Trust me, it’s not a risk that’s worth taking.


If you don’t have a hosting account yet or simply need a better one, I highly recommend HostGator.

They have an excellent pricing structure, fantastic (and extremely fast) 24/7 support, a 30-day money back guarantee, and a 99.9% uptime guarantee. You can also host unlimited sites under the same account at no extra cost.

Highly recommended.


Tool #4 – Taking Payments Online

Last but not least -- if you’re going to be selling products online, you’ll need a way to process credit card orders. This is very important, as most of your customers will be paying by credit card. Don’t worry, this can be done for free and in as little as a few minutes.

One of the most popular online payment processors is Paypal. With Paypal, you can accept credit card payments as well as e-checks and Paypal transfers directly to your Paypal account.

Another good choice is ClickBank. The benefit to using ClickBank over Paypal is that they have a built in affiliate program. You’ll have access to thousands of affiliates who can instantly begin promoting your products through ClickBank’s referral tracking system.
As the product owner, you’ll simply specify the commission percentage that you will award affiliates for sale made and ClickBank takes care of the rest!

Note: Before moving on to section 2, make sure that you’ve set up everything mentioned here in section 1.