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Section 2 – Proven Strategies for PLR Profits

In this section, we’re going to discuss various strategies that you can begin using right now to maximize your profits using private label rights.

Tip: As you’re reading through this chapter, it’s possible that the methods discussed here will spark brand new ideas of your own -- so be sure that you jot those down as they come to you.

Strategy #1 – Selling Products “As Is”


This is the most obvious way to generate income with PLR products, but it’s something that needs to be mentioned quickly.

If you’re simply going to take the PLR product in it’s original form, upload it along with the included sales materials, and begin selling it online – there’s are still a few things that you should take an extra few minutes to do.

1. Add a newsletter signup form – If the included sales materials do not include an area for you to signup subscribers to your newsletter, take a few minutes to login to your autoresponder account, load a few messages up, and add the autoresponder form to your site. Offer them a bribe such as the first few chapters of your book just for signing up, and begin collecting names.

This way, even if a visitor doesn’t purchase your product on their initial visit, there’s a good chance that you’ll sign them up to your newsletter and make a follow up sale at a later time. You’ll also be able to recommend other products to them down the road through various affiliate programs.

2. Add an up sell – A quick and easy way to dramatically boost your profits (30%-70% or more) is to add an up sell to your original offer. You can add a “Gold” package upgrade to your checkout process (which may contain a special report, additional recipes, another related PLR product, etc.) and allow your visitor to choose the upgraded package with the extras for a slightly higher amount. Put together something that they’ll genuinely want, and you’ll be amazed at the number of customers who take you up on your offer. Another great (and extremely easy) way to up sell your customers is to simply offer them resell rights to the product that they’re purchasing for a higher amount.

Strategy #2 – Using eBay

Depending on the licensing terms of the private label rights product you’re selling, eBay sales may be off limits. Some product creators do not allow their PLR products to be sold through online auction sites such as eBay.

However, there is a way around this…

Something that works well in this case (and doesn’t break the licensing agreement) is to sell a related product (something else that you have PLR or resell rights to) on the front-end through eBay, and then make the buyer (who is now your customer) a backend offer where they can purchase the main PLR product that you’re trying to market.

EBay gets a load of traffic and can make you a lot of money in a hurry if you approach it the right way. Don’t rule it out, even if the PLR terms for the product you’re trying to sell prohibit eBay listings.

Strategy #3 – Publishing Content to the Web


The third strategy that we’ll discuss is publishing PLR content to the web.

You can easily take an existing PLR book, break it down into chunks, and then publish the content to a niche blog or website built around that topic. Keep in mind that the content will generate search engine traffic, which you can then convert into paying customers of your book, AdSense clicks, or affiliate commissions for related products.

Note: Just because you’re publishing the content in a book to your website or blog, doesn’t mean you can’t sell the book to your visitors. Recycling the content like this is a great way to maximize its value.

Strategy #4 – Loading Content into Your Autoresponder

Strategy #4 is very similar to what we covered above, the main difference being that you’ll be publishing the content to your autoresponder instead of a website or blog.

By breaking a book down into chunks once again, you can essentially create an entire newsletter (and follow up with your subscribers automatically for a year or more). Simply load them up, select the frequency that you would like the messages to go out in, and then promote your newsletter.

Each “edition” of your newsletter can now contain a plug for your book or recommendations for other related products that you’re an affiliate for.

Note: You can also combine strategies #3 and #4. After publishing the content to your website or blog, simply load a corresponding message into your autoresponder that sends your subscriber back to your site to read the article (instead of including it in your email body). Doing this will allow you to generate another income stream with AdSense, which wouldn’t be an option otherwise.

Strategy #5 – Combining Products

The fifth strategy we’ll cover is combining products. If you’ve got 5 different PLR products on golf, why not combine all 5 products and create a comprehensive course on the subject?

Create new graphics, write a new salesletter, and you’ve now got a comprehensive “course” covering various aspects of the sport. Products such as this will have an overall higher perceived value and you’ll be able to charge a premium.

You could also turn this into a physical course and ship it out to your customers. Products such as this routinely sell for $197-$997 and you can easily automate the printing of manuals, disc burning, and product fulfillment through a variety of sources online.

Strategy #6 – The Funnel

In this strategy, you take the 5 golf products that we used in the last example and create a sales funnel, recommending each of the other products to your new customer on the backend.

For example, you sell a copy of “Golf Equipment Secrets” to a customer. Once that customer is added to your autoresponder when they purchase, they can automatically be sent follow up messages promoting your other 4 products (all related to golf and most likely, something they may purchase if they were happy with their initial experience).

Tip: You can also use one of the other 4 products on the backend to solicit testimonials by offering that customer a free copy, in return for a testimonial that you can then use on your website. Testimonials sell, and this is an excellent (and basically automatic) way to improve the conversions for your other sites.

Strategy #7 – Repackaging


Repackaging your PLR products is a highly recommended strategy as it will do 2 things for you:


1. It allows you to create the illusion of having a totally unique product that your visitors can’t find or buy anywhere else.

2. It allows you to improve the quality of the included sales page and graphics (many PLR offerings come with graphics that aren’t of the highest quality). For a few dollars, you can hire a web designer on any of the popular freelance sites to do a site facelift. Here are two excellent places where you can get this done at:




You can also hire writers through both of those sites to rewrite sales copy, create special reports for you to add as bonuses, add content to existing PLR products, and more.

Note: Make sure that if you’re going to take the time to repackage your PLR products, the end result is an improvement upon the original. :


Strategy #8 – Sell Resell Rights


Depending on the licensing terms, you are often permitted to sell the resell rights (and master resell rights) to the PLR products you own.

Before compiling the final version to be distributed, be sure to insert some affiliate links to recommended products throughout the book. Doing this will generate commissions for you on those affiliate products even after your initial sale of the resell rights has been completed.

Strategy #9 – Start Your Own Membership Site


Membership sites are one of the best business models out there because they allow you to earn monthly income from a sale you only had to make once.


Your customer simply pays a monthly or yearly fee to be a member of your site and you consistently add products into the member’s area for him to download!

Note: If you go this route, you’ll need to be very careful about the products you make available to your members. Some PLR product licenses prohibit them from being added to membership sites, so just make sure you check.

Strategy #10 – Set Up an Affiliate Program

Setting your PLR products up with an affiliate program (through ClickBank for instance) is highly recommended, but I would only recommend this strategy if you’re going to be repackaging your products.

There are an amazing number of affiliates who are actively searching for new products to send traffic to. Set your product up in the ClickBank marketplace, award your affiliates with extremely high commissions (50%-70%), and then work on recruiting affiliates and joint venture partners to promote it for you.

Another great thing about having an affiliate program is that you can convert your prospects and customers into affiliates. When following up through your autoresponder, you have a nice opportunity to turn your visitors into affiliates -- even if they never decide to purchase your product.

Strategy #11 – Viral Marketing

It’s extremely easy (and ultra-effective) to turn a few chapters of content from your PLR book into a free report for viral marketing purposes and circulate it through your network or mailing list.

The report provides free but useful information on a subject having to do with the main product and you can also use it to up sell the reader on resell rights to the book you have for sale.