How to get Rich From any MLM Program by Karen Kaminski - HTML preview

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Traditional, Offline MLM Marketing (The Hard Way)

I would like to put a few things into perspective here before I introduce this new system. The more you understand the limitations of traditional, off-line MLM marketing, the more excited you'll be about Internet-based MLM marketing.

Traditional MLM marketing means doing things THE HARD WAY!


No joke. Once you compare and contrast the off-line versus on-line methods, you'll never do things the 'old school' way again.


So, let's look at these ancient, off-line methods and discuss why they just don't cut it if you want real success from an MLM program.


Old School Method #1: Selling to Friends, Family and Strangers


It’s a funny stereotype, isn't it? You or your friend/spouse/neighbor, etc...have joined a network marketing opportunity, but don't have the first idea how to generate leads.


Soon, people start referring to “that crazy MLM guy.”

Crazy MLM Guy goes around pitching the product and the business to anyone who will listen – sometimes even alienating friends and others who just don't want to hear about it or deal with the pressure.

The sad part in all of this is that those efforts are largely wasted! All of that gusto, determination and energy gets spent on un-targeted and unresponsive leads.


Trying to work an MLM business off-line is like casting a huge net into the ocean when all you want is a basket full of catfish.

If you're lucky, you might get 1 catfish out of the net while tossing a whole lot of crabs back into the water. In order to fill your basket, what you really need is a fishing pole, some good bait and a lake full of catfish.

The bottom line is this: if you've got an entrepreneurial spirit, then you must focus that burning desire onto targeted lead generation.


AND....stop trying to generate those leads off-line!

I don't care if someone told you to use business cards, newspaper ads, bumper stickers or 'free seminars' to promote your MLM. Even if you get a few truly targeted leads, it is still too much effort!

These methods represent time and money wasted when compared to the results you could be getting on the Internet – in less time, and for way less money.


Old School Method #2: Attempting to Recruit Friends, Family and Strangers


I could almost repeat everything from above here, but I want to put a finer point on the concept.

Off-line recruitment, just like off-line selling, yields too few returns in comparison to the effort invested. You will never build the large, profit-cranking downline of your dreams if you try to recruit all of your members off-line.


Again, targeting becomes an immediate issue. However, it is not the only obstacle in your path. You also face a considerable amount of time and work when it comes to educating, training and motivating each new member of your downline.

Remember: your income from any MLM is directly proportional to the size and performance of your downline. You need more than just a dozen people working under you. In fact, you need more along the lines of several hundred. You need as many as you can get.

How are you going to build this kind of downline in between holding down a regular job, spending time with friends, taking the kids to school, pursuing your hobbies, etc?


There's just no way to pull it off unless you're super-human.

I know what you might be thinking, though: “What about those people who make a living throwing Tupper-Ware parties? What about the Mary Kay cosmetics ladies who drive the big, pink Cadillac’s?”

O.K., I'll grant you that. There are certain rare individuals who succeed in MLM's, and who build their businesses the old-fashioned, off-line way.


BUT, most of them had to work like dogs to get to that level. They scrimped and saved in the beginning. They took huge risks and made even bigger investments.

In other words, they did things the hard way, and that's not what this report is about. Plus, I can promise you that more and more of those people are using the Internet as a part of their overall strategy.

Old School Method #3: Investing All of Your Time in One MLM


By now, you understand whyit’s virtually impossible not to spend all of your time in one MLM when you're working it off-line.

The problem with this is that time=money. You're basically putting a cap on how much income you can earn. Yet again, this is because off-line sales and recruitment takes up so much time and effort, you don't have anything left in the day for other ventures.

If you did, though, you could be double, tripling …even quadrupling your income by building your downline in multiple programs.
But getting to that level would require some serious automation of your business. You'd need to hire employees, or find some way to....

ü Make sales in your sleep...


ü Recruit new downline members without having to meet them in person, call them on the phone, etc..


ü Train you entire downline without having to be in the same room with them... other words, you'd need a way to put 95% of your business on 'cruise control.'


And you CAN do it......


...if you're ready to throw away the 'old', and bring in the NEW, lazy way of Internet-based multi-level marketing!