How to get Rich From any MLM Program by Karen Kaminski - HTML preview

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New Age Internet MLM Marketing (The Lazy Way)

What is this “new age”, lazy way of Internet MLM marketing? Why is it so much better than marketing off-line?


Quite simply, Internet MLM marketing beats off-line marketing because of this one, easy formula:


Better Targeting + Automatic(Lead Generation + Follow-Up) = LEVERAGE


To understand how this equation adds up, let's take a detailed look at each factor. Pay close attention, as every piece of this formula is important!


Factor #1: Better Targeting


Lead generation is easier, and cheaper, on-line. No longer do you have to go cold-calling for prospects. Instead, they come to you.

The ability to generate targeted leads is crucial regardless of what type of business you're in. It doesn't matter how good your offer is, nor how persuasive your copy writing, if you don't have it in front of the right people.

Here's the great thing about the Internet: your leads target themselves for you, you just have to know where and how to position your business within the marketplace.

This positioning is done by stepping in your prospect's shoes, and imagining the steps they might take to find you on-line.
I know, that sounds easier said than done, so let me give you some examples of how this works..

Example #1: Targeted Search


You already know what you do when you want to find something on-line: you go to your favorite search engine, and type in a few words to describe your search, right?

Maybe you're considering buying a new vacuum cleaner, and you want to read some reviews before you make a decision. You would go to Google or Yahoo, etc.., and type in something like: “top ten vacuum review” or “Hoover upright vacuum review” -- whatever fits.

Well, your prospects are doing the exact same thing!


Every day there are people searching on terms which may indicate an interest in the products you're selling via MLM.


Not only that, but every day there are people searching for “mlm opportunities” and “the best mlm programs.” These people are potential recruits for your downline.


One of the best ways to reach them is by running advertisements relevant to those searches.


You can do this with what's known as “pay-perclick” advertising. Most of the major search engines offer this type of advertising opportunity.


What pay-perclick allows you to do is have an advertisement, similar to a “mini-classified” ad, show up alongside the search results for a specific key word or key phrase.


The screen shot below shows you an example from Google. This is just one of the many payper-click ads which show up when you type in the phrase “multi level marketing”:


00001.jpgLet's say the above was one of your advertisements. If a prospect were to click on the linked text (in blue), they'd be taken directly to your web site.

Now, if your site is highly relevant to the prospect – i.e., your site matches what he had in mind when he searched for “multi level marketing”, then he's more than likely to take action on the offer you've placed in front of him. This is what targeting is all about!

Right Offer + Right Person = Desired Action


For your MLM program, the action you want the visitor to take is to join your opt-in mailing list by submitting his name and e-mail address, so you can follow-up with him.

The type of web page used for this is called a “lead capture page” or “landing page.” Landing pages are dedicated to one purpose: getting the visitor to opt-in to your list, and become a lead.

If you aren't familiar with how landing pages are structured, don't worry. We'll talk about that further on in the report, and I'll show you a screen shot from a real, live landing page.


Example #2: Targeted 'Market Hideouts'


Another way of finding prospects is to hunt them down at their on-line 'hideouts'. This means finding ways to advertise on highly targeted web sites.


Typically, you'll want to search for forums, bulletin boards or groups dedicated to your target market.


For example, if you wanted to target prospects for a music-related MLM opportunity, you could go to several types of forums:


ü A general business opportunity or MLM forum


ü Most any kind of music-related forum, depending on the nature of the MLM product.


This is just off the top of my head, but let's say you're in an MLM that sells guitar strings. The best place to go would be forums centered around the subject of guitars or guitar players.

You'd first join the forum and fill out your 'profile'. You'll have a spot in your profile where you can type in what's known as a “signature file”. Signature files can include most anything – favorite quotes, links to other sites and, yes, even advertising.

These signature files are appended to the bottom of every post you make. This is where you'd put your advertisement. You might have something like this:

You know you've gotta buy new strings anyways... so, why not make some money selling them, too? Http://

That's it! You don't have to pitch the program directly. In fact, you'll want to avoid doing so. The best way to get people interested in clicking on your advertisement is by participating in the forum as a regular member. Talk about your favorite guitar players, or help someone learn how to play the Blues.

Of course, you aren't limited just to forums. In a strong market, you'll find plenty of contentfocused web sites with opportunities for text-link and banner advertising.

The overall point I want you to take away from this is that you've an almost endless supply of leads available to you on-line, and just as many creative ways of luring those leads to your web site, and onto your list.

Factor #2: Automatic Lead Generation + Follow-Up


The most time-consuming part of any business is in the process of collecting leads and following up with them.

In off-line marketing, you are forced to do this manually (e.g., returning phone calls, meeting one-on-one, etc..). It’s a lot to manage and you're forced to make your presentation over and over again.

This is all a thing of the past when you set up your own web site and e-mail 'opt-in' list. You see, there's this magic tool called an 'autoresponder' that can collect leads directly from your web site, and then follow-up with them by e-mail automatically....

If you're already familiar with autoresponders, you can skip ahead a few paragraphs. If this is totally new to you, though, read on....


Have you ever sent an email to someone and, in a few minutes, gotten back one of those: “I am currently out of the office” type replies?

You can tell right away that the recipient didn't type this e-mail to you personally. It’s a prewritten message they created before “stepping out of the office”, and they set their e-mail account to send this “auto-reply” to every one who sends e-mail to that address.

This is an autoresponder at its most basic.


The type of autoresponder services available today (and these are the kind you'll want to use) are far more advanced and can be used to manage full-fledged mailing lists.


I recommend you check out MonsterResponse (, as it’s a prime example of the type of advanced autoresponder we're talking about here.


What Can You Do With An Autoresponder?


Well, as the name suggests, your autoresponder will play a starring role in automating most of your business.


Your autoresponder will handle the subscription requests from visitors who want to opt-in to your e-mail list. It will also manage your follow-up e-mails.


The follow-up e-mails are the most important part in this equation.

Just think for a moment about everything you need to convey to people when marketing an MLM off-line. You've got to tell them about the opportunity, about the company, about the payment structure, about the products....and, you've got to do it persuasively in a short amount of time.

Now, imagine if you had a captive audience? And imagine if you had as much time as you needed to explain the opportunity in detail?


You get to do exactly that when you create an autoresponder series.


An autoresponder series is just a collection of pre-written e-mails. You store each of these emails as separate messages in your autoresponder.


Now, here's where it gets good: you have the ability to schedule these messages to go out however you want.

Let's say you want to tell your prospects about your MLM program over the course of 7 days. No problem! All you have to do is create 7 messages – one for each day– and tell your autoresponder to delay each message one day relative to the previous.

A sample series done this way might look like the following::


Day 0/1 (Send immediately upon subscription):


Subject: Thank You! Here's the information you requested about MLM....


Day 2:


Subject: How Much Can You Earn with XYZ MLM?


Day 3:


Subject: A Success Story from One of XYZ's members.....


And so on, and so forth...until you've covered everything you think you need to cover in order to sell people on the program.

Ideally, you'll be working in a program that allows you to refer people to the company's web site using a unique referral link to credit you with sales and sign-ups of new downline members. .

If that's not the case with the program you're in, you can still include the necessary referral information in each message– be it a telephone number, a physical address, etc...


It’s smooth sailing from there. You only need to write your series one time, and load it into the program. All the work is done upfront, and after that– 'set it and forget it.'


All of your carefully crafted sales material will go out like clockwork to each new lead that joins your list, and you don't have to lift a finger.


Meanwhile, you can spend your time on generating additional traffic and leads, or even setting up a second web site for a new program.


Results = Leverage


When you improve the targeting of your leads, you get better conversion rates....


When you improve your follow-up with leads, you get better conversion rates....


Better conversion rates = better results = leverage.


And what can you do with leverage??..

You can flat out dominate just about any program you're involved in! When you use an automated, Internet-based system like we've described so far, you earn more money in less time, and with less effort.

This means you've now got the resources to re-invest into your business, or into setting up another one. It becomes a positive feedback loop. Leverage allows you to generate even more resources, which you can leverage again, to generate still more resources....see what I mean?

You have every reason to implement your own lazy, Internet-based MLM marketing system, and not a single excuse for doing otherwise. Your profits can only multiply.




I'm going to show the seven-step method for pulling all of this together in a moment.


First, though, I want to tell you about my own top-earning program. This isn't to persuade you to join up, even though it is a program I highly recommend.


Instead, I am using it as an example of Internet-based MLM marketing in action. I want you to see what it looks like when all the pieces come together.