Mobile GeoSocial Intelligence by Dwayne Anderson - HTML preview

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The growth and sales of downloadable apps in expected to reach 70 billion worldwide in 2015, at which the app revenue will easily surpass above $30 billion. This Sales figure for digital Application media products itself is very alarming and is an important point for consideration for mobile marketers that is if the mobile applications sector with download holds consistent with this figure then average every marketers will need to consider frequent creation of useful app experiences to engage your most valuable customers for every new campaign . Most of the Apps downloaded are smaller plug-in apps of major Social networking sites like Twitter mobile and Facebook mobile of which most consumers used with their desktop , and typically most of them has been converted to be mobile friendly ,which now keeps everybody in contact with the handy mobile .


Based on each mobile apps sale’s statistic with its technical specification of the app’s capacity and function, its derived sales figures will provide knowledge feedback on the app users behaviors , and preference and provides marketers the feedback data with full option ability to push specific products in a more targeted and meaningful way. This effective option to push notifications to your users will be a wonderful effective supporting tool for mobile application marketing , while more traditional method does not provide .



Given the Device Boom that spurs new media development with new technologies and marketing investments that has brought on the ultimate entertainment spending.

This is driving the new world economy into another frenzy era, the best example could be derived from who has more than 400 million videos watched on mobile devices every day. The is the #2 video-viewing website in the world. (Right after YouTube itself.) It's the better way to reach consumers as provide the power of sight ,sound and motion and also gross the best value for their mobile ads for their customer.



The New Mobile and Social media Synergy has arrived with new challenges and opportunities and one thing is definite that is Mobile with Social media is poised to revolutionize the way organizations deliver, consume, and disseminate on information. The convergence of mobile technology with Social Networking are empowering more and more people to make real-time decisions. Users can communicate with decision groups or customers while surfing through relevant useful data on their handheld devices and converting them to reach an actionable insight that support to rapid decision-making which is key to improving the profitability of business nowadays.