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Based on each mobile apps sale’s statistic with its technical specification of the app’s capacity and function,its derived sales figures will provide knowledge feedback on the app users behaviors , and preference and provides marketers the feedback data with full option ability to push specific products in a more targeted and meaningful way.This effective option to push notifications to your users will be a wonderful effective supporting tool for mobile application marketing , while more traditional method does not provide .


Making the move into Mobile marketing and Social Networking

We Now Live in a world that is always on the Go all thanks to the advent of new technologies which has equipped us with the ability to communicate from anywhere, anytime and anyplace.

There is no question that our World needs for Mobile Social and Location integration is rapidly progressing and is definitely a segmented niche that it is worthy of consideration for businesses and marketers as an fast expanding entity with far increasingly globalize reach


The number of mobile users continues to grow and the mobile phone is quickly becoming the most essential tool for managing your social profile . It is estimated that by the year 2014, phone internet usage will surpass that of traditional desktops laptops,

As the potential target consumer market and customer base will be transitioning to mobile platform for World Wide Web access, it has also become crucial for your businesses to anticipate this convergence of technology and build a mobile presence in order to benefit from its effectiveness and popularity


Mobile Insights

Mobile Marketing has been made popular with featured cell phone since early year 2000 where while the social networking services has recently rages on with more than 1.3 billion active users of Facebook , Weibo, Twitter and LinkedIn combined.

Market insights of Mobile technology taking on the World has started the transitioning of major social networking platform to mobile technology , that even Facebook has gone mobile and most social media giants begin to recognize and cater to today ever-present reality where the mobile and social media technology has embarked on several types of different platforms , ranging from the SMS text technology – all the way to full-fledged mobile apps , mobile advertisement , mobile ready video and commercials



The power of social mobile marketing lies in the fact that more and more people are accessing the internet through their cell phones rather than any other device. This is mainly due to the fact that cell phones have evolved tremendously and can be basically likened to small computers. In addition, more and more websites are adapting to this by making their content mobile-friendly.


To help you understand the big picture, here are a few interesting statistics

•More than 86% of Americans are cell phone owners.

•An average of 5 billion text messages per day, delivered.

•Giant corporations including but not limited to Ford, Pepsi, Starbucks and Burger King all have their mobile marketing campaigns.

•Visa and Paypal are expanding its E-wallet services and challenging rivals with their new in-store payment system, as the company broadens their services to the retail stores industry also with mobile technology

• Mobile fundraising will be another new way of giving donation


As you can see, cell phones are becoming increasingly important in people's lives, and as it happens, they are an excellent way to reach out to a enormous number of people.

They open your brand and business to a whole new and unexploited market which is only waiting to be tapped into, and that's precisely what most people are going to do in the near future.

If what you are looking to do is increase your brand's exposure and have the opportunity to market yourself to millions of new potential customers, then you should get into Mobile Social Media marketing straight away; a market stays untapped for only so long.



Today’s Mobile Marketing Trends

The mobile social media outlook is positive.

With prediction that there is a high possibility that the rate of Mobile overtaking traditional PC Internet access in the next few years. Simple math tells marketers that abundant of opportunities exist within all this Go Mobile technology to present media ads to the right audience at the right time





Besides the cost of telcos mobile plan, virtually everyone will have access to almost free text messaging capabilities from newer application like - Whatsapp and many other new mobile marketing trends with use of devices like the smartphones and PC tablet introducing new application , like the Mobile apps, LBS and QR codes therefore boosting the industry with multiple benefits as such they serve more than just mobile customer but also provide new marketing element for brands and retailing business to interact with customers to increase their businesses both in exposure and profits.



Social networking with mobile application will continue to be one of the demands that mobile consumers are seeking to accommodate ,their easy access to friends in additions to status updates , watching video or TV programs, online shopping and tweets, will all plays an important roles in part of their daily chores .

Among all, social gaming is another interesting aspect of mobile marketing which has taken flight, as  proven by the global phenomenon of top games application ,like the Angry Birds Game. Online app stores has since been enjoying billions of online sales just from mobile games download alone

Furthermore, more location-based services (LBS ) platform are being introduced and marketing campaigns using both mobile coupons and QR codes will be easier implemented , translating into more venue search traffic for retails and shop establishments


 Connected Devices

The Big Paradigm shift has happened already ,connected devices are going to become increasingly important to brands’ mobile strategy with the biggest growth in the area of mobile search ,as more customer uses their phone for engagement and to locate products or subject of their interest.

As smartphone and Pc tablet are becoming more and more popular , the industry will see an increased opportunity for rich creative media as the industry adopts them and more new developments will be invested into new incremental innovation for dedicated application that increase social consumer engagement via mobile

Continued development may focus on target advertising solution for behavioural targeting and ensuring ads that are sent are contextually relevant to consumer based on customer choice

Tablet PCs

Today there is Not One Manufacturer that dominates the field of tablet PCs and Smartphone , meaning that the industry being flooded with a wider range assortment of Mobile internet enabled device with different operation system ranging from android , IOS , windows, Linux etc



Tablet PCs offer most of the benefits of a laptop computer without as many of the drawbacks. It is an useful tool to browse the internet, create documents, take pictures, send information and data via email, put on presentations and much, much more. They simply make life easier, And with new applications like those from Amazon ,itunes and google play and others, user can even access your own home PC Desktop on the go from your tablet computer through cloud computing through site like Dropbox .


With smartphones and PC tablet , video with the similar properties as the television programmes with driven sight , sound ,motion and screen will still continue to engage consumers, and it has also gone mobile .When being accessed and played on a personal mobile device ,they offer an extremely powerful and direct connection to the individual which gives off an immersive experience to the consumer (a direct approach).

Mobile video can be consumed throughout the day,anytime , anywhere ,why travelling or just waiting in lines  , and Mobile video ad network will work with brands to aggregate reach to ensure their ads will play on all video enabled mobile device .


Mobiles Go Social

Undoubtedly, Social media is HOT! Facebook has been at the forefront and like many social networking sites has been experiencing explosive growth , earning high roller ads turnover since. It therefore kicks in the very need for a social strategy which has to fit to the Mobile ‘s rage .This convergence has to be real time as there are billions of conversations going on right now.

Social media and mobile are both more than just trends . While Social media sites come and go , the phenomenon of socializing online will hot up further with Mobile integration . Recent market survey has derived that 91% of mobile internet access by subscribers is to socialize compared to 79% who connect with friends with using the desktop .

Mobile usage will therefore keep increasing and businesses should brainstorm and learn how to harness the power of this perfect match with developing mobile-social inspired campaign that translate into sales .

Listen and Learn from Mobile Social media Get it Done RIGHT!

Capitalize on social customer engagement with Mobile social Media experience, use your ability to listen and truly understand the needs of your consumers . Nowadays Marketers need to know what their customers want in order to be able to craft out some social media offerings or campaign that are specifically tailored to –“ who their customers really are , feel to enjoy what they like doing and find out where they like to hang out ” plus finally “ how we should go about making it – or How to make the Sales happen” and create the engagements that exploit that functionality. Skipping this critical step will result in campaigns riddled with poor conversion rates, opt-outs and being pass on as a fad .

Location based Services

Mobile social media with geolocation application is also catching on fast an d is bringing the technology to the next level , and typically wireless carriers clearly have several advantages that benefits both advertiser and subscriber .Among the two popular mobile social media sites include Gowalla and Foursquare , and even leading social networking application like Twitter and Facebook have also integrated location - based elements into their platform with location based advertising . One of the major features provide d by such location based applications is the phenomenal growth of “ check – in “ games . Such games works in a way that encourage users to report their location frequently for a variety of motivating rewards such as Virtual bonuses



In bold truth , mobile location based services provide an effective geolocation marketing tool as it combines the exact location and time of the day with a device that is personal to the owner of the device thus providing advertiser the most refined targeted means to direct approach to the user .

It is a One –on-one form of advertisement , anytime ,anywhere to an y individual with a Mobile enabled internet device ,and this form of advertisement is vastly superior to other marketing method available .



The Smartphone Revolution

Recent Smartphone’s Sales Statistics confirm the explosive growth and usage of mobile applications over the past few years especially for top major platforms with the following leading Operating Systems especially for iPhone, Android, BlackBerry and Windows

Almost 70 % of smartphone owners have downloaded apps on their device since their initial purchase . Usually Free Apps are most appreciated but usually will come with advertisements as part of their purchase package and it has been bringing in good advertisement fee with major mobile publishers.