Mobile GeoSocial Intelligence by Dwayne Anderson - HTML preview

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Different Design of Smartphone

It is the goal of this report to provide basic information about marketing to the cell phone user, taking advantage of the new features and functions of 4G technology. Hope fully, we’re going to help you get creative about marketing your business to technologically savvy users.

In the pages ahead, we’ll take a look at 4G itself, including what features 4G offers wireless users. We’ll also look at how business users today are taking advantage of these features that 4G offers to make them more productive at work and at home.

Here we will offer ideas and suggestions, as well as give you case studies about how these advertising methods have already been proven in the marketplace. You’ll probably be surprised at how many companies are already catering to the wireless user, offering ads on frequently visited websites and sending coupons via text messaging.

We’ll also offer you insight into various applications available today and how they are being used or might be used to the advertiser’s advantage.

There’s a lot of food for thought in the coming pages. It’s all designed to make you think about advertising your business in a very different way. It is our hope that these ide as and suggestions make your business successful and prepare it for the future of advertising in mobile technology.