Mobile Marketing Basics for Local Business by Ric Clark - HTML preview

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Chapter 2: So What is Mobile Marketing?


While it is not quite as simple as just hitting the key like in the picture above, mobile marketing can be as simple or as complex as you want to make it.

The Mobile Marketing Association defines mobile marketing as:

“Mobile Marketing is a set of practices that enables organizations to communicate and engage with their audience in an interactive and relevant manner through and with any mobile device or network” (Source: MMA).

There are 4 key words in that definition: communicate, engage, interactive and relevant.

There are now many types of mobile devices and more coming in the future; cell phones, smart phones, tablets, e- readers, Google glasses, smart watches, wearables and more.  Even your car will be a mobile device soon!  The touch screen in your dash will have internet access, just like a smart phone!  Feel like the “Jetsons” yet?  (Let’s see how many of you don’t get that reference, LOL).

There is also a growing list of mobile marketing products and services used to market goods and services on those devices:

*   Mobile optimized websites

*   SMS & MMS text marketing

*   Mobile coupons

*   Mobile landing pages

*   Digital loyalty rewards Programs

*   Kiosks for opt-ins

*   Mobile apps

*   Mobile punch cards

*   Mobile appointment reminders/confirmations

*   Mobile optimized email marketing & newsletters

*   Social media sharing

*   QR codes

*   Virtual business cards

*   mCommerce

*   Text-to-Donate for non-profits & places of worship

*   Location marketing & Geo-fencing

*   Mobile-optimized social media channels

*   Ratings/reviews on mobile

*   Search engine optimization for mobile

*   Mobile-optimized email

*   Paid mobile ads

Don’t get scared!  I know it looks like a lot, but I’m here to simplify for you.  Most businesses only need a small number of these items to show a great return on the investment.  We’ll talk about the important ones in Chapter 4, but first……….