Mobile Marketing Basics for Local Business by Ric Clark - HTML preview

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Chapter 3: Rules, Regulations &



Ok, you probably won’t get thrown in jail for breaking the rules of mobile marketing, but you can be heavily fined, shut down by cell carriers and banned from internet sites if you mess it up.

There are some really important standards that must be met when engaging in mobile marketing.  The CTIA (Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association), the MMA (Mobile Marketing Association) and US CBP (Consumer Best Practices) have all established sets of guidelines and requirements for companies engaging in mobile marketing with consumers.  Also, on October 16,

2013 the TCPA (Telephone Consumer Protection Act) went into effect.  These are laws that pertain to both voice and text messaging transmitted for marketing purposes. They are very specific and breaking these rules can result in cancellation of your message services by cell phone carrier networks, lawsuits or worse.  Needless to say you want to stay clear of this mess!

Here is where you get to say, “Come on Ric, gimme a break!  I don’t have time to figure that stuff out!”  Well, you have 2 choices to use mobile marketing in your business; do it yourself, or hire a professional consultant, provider or agency.  I will tell you that trying to do it yourself (properly and profitably) will take a lot of study and research on your part.  Employing a professional is the way to go for most businesses.  If you have a tech-nerd that you trust who has the time to learn the ins and outs, you could give it a try.  But whatever you do, make sure to follow all the guidelines and best practices or don’t even start. Some high profile companies have paid big fines for running afoul of these rules!  A professional mobile marketer will make sure you steer clear.