OTO Crash Course by Waken - HTML preview

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hiding from you

nd OTO page – This is the 2ndOTO page that you offer yet something else (something different from your 1stOTO of course) with great values. Just make it irresistible.

6) Subscriber Thank you page– And you must have a subscriber thank you page where you’ll thank your subscriber that didn’t take the 1stOTO. And on the same page itself, you could possibly integrate your 2ndOTO here.

7) 2ndOTO Thank you page – This is the download page for the 2ndOTO.

8) Periodic OTO Pages – There could be more than one page here. This is where you’ll change your OTO frequently and offer it to your mailing list / subscribers. As aforementioned, it’s a periodic offer meaning that you can just shoot an email announcing this offer during Christmas, New Year, Your Birthday, Your son’s birthday etc. Just be creative and you could be offering OTO all year round and keep your pocket full all the time. But please make sure that you follow the above “3 Practices that will Make or Break your OTO Campaign”.

It’s really crucial to your success. Don’t you ever skip that! Read that until the idea grounded in your head.

Okay, let’s keep moving. Carefully study the below diagram that I used to profit from the powerful OTO marketing system alone and how you can copy the same system for immediate profits.

We’ll run through the stages one by one:

1) Upon set up of the 8 pages OTO optimized minisite, you’ll of course, first of all drive traffic to it. We’ll not go into details on how to drive traffic to your site as that will be a totally different subject. But for the sake of your time, here are the top 10 ways to drive traffic to your site immediately with quality traffic.