PDQ Cash by PDQ Cash - HTML preview

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Getting a Yahoo Messenger account

Now that you have your linking code you need to make an instant messenger name so when customers want to contact you……They can! You need to sign up for a yahoo messenger account and/or an AOL Instant messenger account. They are both FREE. We find that MOST customers have yahoo so we recommend to start with that. To sign up for a NEW Yahoo messenger account do the following. Do NOT use your current yahoo messenger account.
1. Open your web browser and go to http://messenger.yahoo.com/
2. If you need to download yahoo messenger click on “Get it now”, If you already have yahoo messenger go onto step 7.
3. That will bring you to the download page.
4. A download will either automatically pop up and if it doesn’t click on “Get started” 5. Click on “save” and save the messenger to your computer.
6. Open the program and install it.
7. Now that you have Yahoo messenger you need to make a new user name for the Model you will be representing.
8. Go to:
https://edit.yahoo.com/config/eval_register?.done=http://messenger.yahoo.com% 2findex.php&.src=pg&.intl=us
9. Enter a Fake first and last name that could be the one of your model. Make it BELIEVEABLE! If your models name is real such as “Nina” then enter Nina. If your models name is “Good Girl” or “First Kiss” then enter a fake name such as Ashley or Jessica or anything you want.
10. Now you need a yahoo Id. Make it something sexy and try to include something about your model in the name to make it more believable. If your models name is “Good Girl” then make a yahoo id that’s similar like “GoodGirl69xo”.
11. Finish the form and at the end press “I agree”
12. You now have a yahoo messenger id and a yahoo email address. Your email address will the yahoo messenger id you choose. If my messenger name was “GoodGirl69xo” Then my email address would be GoodGirl69xo@yahoo.com

Now you are ready to login to your yahoo messenger account.
1. Open yahoo messenger on your computer.
2. Type in your Login Id and password.
3. Click Sign in
4. You are now signed in.
5. To Add a “friend” Click on the smiley face with a green plus sign.
6. Put their Yahoo messenger id or email and click Next, Next and Finish.
7. They will be added to your list.
8. To Message someone, Double click their name. A chat window will pop up.
9. Enter your message and click send. This will start the conversation.
10. Most times your customer will add you as a friend or contact you. This is GOOD.
11. If they add you as a friend add them, wait for them to contact you for a few minutes, if they don’t then contact them. Always ask “asl” which means age/sex/location. This is important because then you know their information and talk to them accordingly. It’s good to know where they are from. I’ve found by telling them that you live near them, you will be more likely to get the sale. If they give you a weird city just Google it to find where they are talking about and tell them you live in a city nearby; be creative! If you would like to sign up for an AOL instant messenger account please go to www.aim.com and click download now and you can sign up for an account.