PDQ Cash by PDQ Cash - HTML preview

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Checking your STATS

Now its time to figure out how check your stats. Your stats page will show you how many DIFFERENT people have viewed your page (Uniques) and how many sales you have gotten (sign ups). To get to your stats page you need to do the following:
1. Open up your Internet browser and type in www.camkingscash.com
2. On the left hand side, enter your login details where it says affiliates login. 3. The home Page will show your Quick Stats. It will show Uniques which are how many different people have visited your link. Raws How many total times your page has been viewed Sign ups- Which are how many sign ups you have gotten. Payout- How much $ you have earned.
4. For more detailed stats click my statistics on the left hand side.
5. Select your date range or which dates you would like to check your stats for. By default it will show the current day. Simply click Load stats to Bring up your stats.
6. It will show your uniques which are how many DIFFERENT people have viewed the site through your links and will show how man sign ups you have gotten and charge back's Charge back's are how many sales have been charged back.