Service Sellers Master Course by Ken Evoy - HTML preview

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4. DAY 4 Plan Your Monetization Models

What do you ask from prospective merchant partners?...
“Show me the money!”
-Jerry Maguire (1996)



Goal-of-the-DAY... Choose no more than 3 affiliate programs that fit with your theme and/or 5 HIGH-PROFITABILITY KEYWORDS that you developed in DAYS 2 and 3. You must rate these merchants as excellent, and you must feel good about representing them. Remember, your recommendations reflect upon who you are.

00002.jpgWhen you follow the C






00001.jpgM process, you travel the pathway to a successful Web business. So far you have…


• examined PREselling and its effect on Conversion Rates (DAY 1)


• identified a potential topic for your Theme-Based Content Site (DAY 2)


• brainstormed a list of profitable keywords (DAY 3)

DAY 4 continues your excellent PREparation efforts. The finish line is in sight where you will register your domain name, confidently knowing that you have not missed a step along the track. That’s why you will be “thinking” about

Monetization now ,and “doing”


00001.jpgM after you have C




00001.jpgP well in control.

As a service seller, your #1 goal has to be the “sale” of your service -- getting that first contact from your prospect. Perfectly understandable. Even so, don’t discount the idea of affiliate marketing and its potential secondary income. This DAY will highlight the affiliate monetization model but keep in mind that you do have other models to consider…

Out of every 100 visitors to your site, it’s likely that only a small percentage will follow through and contact/hire you for your professional service. The others? Well, maybe they have slightly different needs. Perhaps they are looking for a lower-cost option or they are “just looking, thanks.” There could be any number of reasons that a visitor may not be an ideal candidate for your service.

You could, if you wished, let those visitors proceed merrily on their way. But why would you? After all, you worked very hard to get them to your site, right? So why not make recommendations for niche-related, non-competing products and/or services that may be more suited to the needs of those visitors? That way, your traffic is not wasted. Instead, it supports an additional revenue stream.

But there’s another bonus...

By offering links to non-competitive sites that provide solutions for your visitors, your site becomes an even more valuable resource. This is doubly true if your service is locally based and unlikely to be of interest to anyone outside of an hour’s drive of your office.


If, for some reason, the nature of your service precludes this second income stream, or this concept does not fit what you are trying to accomplish on the Net, take a break! Skip ahead to DAY 5.

00004.jpgHere’s today's mission (should you choose to accept it)...

Grow a list of good merchants with affiliate programs that have product lines that fit your service. Then we’ll choose the best ones and group them according to HIGH-PROFITABILITY keywords.

Yes, you already started this process on DAY 3 by using Search It! to build groups of POSSIBLE PARTNERS for each keyword in your MASTER KEYWORD LIST. However, DAY 3 was more focused upon getting good ideas for content and a feel for your market space (DEMAND, SUPPLY, SUPPLY SITE INFO).