Service Sellers Master Course by Ken Evoy - HTML preview

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6. DAY 6 Build a Site That Gets the CLICK! was
NOT built in a day!


00002.jpgYes, finally! We’re ready to start building!


Let’s just take a look back at what we’ve done…

• examined PREselling and its effect on Conversion Rates (DAY 1)
• identified a potential niche concept (DAY 2)
• brainstormed a list of profitable keywords (DAY 3)
• researched quality affiliate programs and other income streams (DAY 4).
• chosen a domain name that reflects your VPP (DAY 5).

Impressive work! You truly do have a rock-solid foundation to build upon.


During DAY 6, you will create a structure for your site. This is where you start the C






00001.jpgM snowball rolling by writing content designed to “get the click!” Let the construction begin!


00002.jpgGoal-of-the-DAY... Build a home page, and one TIER 2 Keyword-Focused Content Page.



Don’t know HTML? Intimidated by FTP and other Web technologies? Relax. Site Build It!'s “through-the-browser” site-building tools can help both the seasoned pro and the complete “newbie” build a vibrant and profitable online business easily!

Keep the goal in mind as you… 00005.jpg