Service Sellers Master Course by Ken Evoy - HTML preview

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6.1. Follow the Winning Formula

Show time!


Like any great show, whether it’s baseball, or the theatre, or the Olympics... success is all about preparation. And boy, have you prepared!


And all that preparation has convinced you that the best way to present your service will be under the moniker of...


… “”

Yes! What started out as an “exercise” themed site designed to sell your personal training service has turned into a site all about abdominal exercise. And you have the body -- a rock-solid flat belly -- to prove your expertise, too!


While you love the idea, money talked, too. Site Build It! calculated a terrific PROFITABILITY for the “abdominal exercise” theme. And the cost for bidding on keywords was ridiculously low. Your methodical research has uncovered a highpotential approach to building your business!

00004.jpgNow it’s time to build income


00001.jpgM through content C


00001.jpg...i.e., to build a site that attracts targeted potential new clients


00001.jpgT, firmly establishes your credibility, inspires trust


00001.jpgP, and gets that all important first contact from a prospective client who wants to learn more about your service and to hire you for the job.


Since I’m still in “2-line-summary mode,” let’s boil down the essence of “building income through content”...


Deliver valuable content to your readers...
... and tasty content to your spiders.



00002.jpgYour site must be a WIN-WIN-WIN-WIN proposition for four parties...


1) your visitor


2) the Search Engines


3) your merchants


4) you and your service! Let’s look at each WIN... 00005.jpg

6.1.1. Your Visitor Wins

Your visitor must get what she is looking for -- outstanding information. OVERdeliver with original, high-value info. Cement your credibility and build trust in you and your service. If you don’t do this, she won’t contact you for further info and will simply click the back button to the Search Engine and say... “Next!”

Deliver the information she needs and she will be back for more. After all, you have what she wants.



6.1.2. The Search Engines Win

The Search Engines are in business. Their product is the quality of their search results. Help them make their product better, and they’ll love you. How?

A Search Engine uses computer programs called spiders to go out and bring your site back to its home (i.e., the Search Engine’s database). Then when someone looks up, say, “lower ab exercise,” another program decides whether your site, or another, is more relevant.

You must honestly convince each Search Engine that you are the most relevant site (at least in the Top 20, preferably in the Top 10) for the KEYWORDS that you target. If you trick the engine, your success won’t last long, and when it discovers the trick, it will ban you. Why? Because tricks hurt the Search Engine’s product.

Help the searcher (i.e., your potential visitor and/or your merchant’s potential customer), solve her problem or her quest. Satisfy the whole reason she is doing the search. If you do this, you add value to the Search Engine’s product.


If you do this properly, you never have to worry about the Search Engines because they and you become partners in an effort to deliver quality content to searchers...
No tricks in comment tags or invisible links or anything else that is not natural for a true content site.

No hoping that the SEs don’t change their attitude towards your “tactics.”
No worrying about just the right number of times to repeat a keyword in the META Keyword tag.
No time-wasting, constantly “staying on the cutting edge” ahead of the engines

No 8 versions of the same site, one for each major engine. Focus on creating one “best fit” site that scores well with most of the engines for most of your words most of the time. Then spend your time creating more and more content, and then another site. No games.

No off-target keywords to suck in untargeted customers. (“Hey, this site’s not about ‘Britney Spears’! What gives?”)
No fretting about whether competitors will complain about your tricky methods.

No multiple domains, hidden inter-linking, etc. -- since every page is for the customer first and foremost, and since you are simply writing to also satisfy the Search Engine, none of this is necessary.

There’s simply nothing to worry about. Sleep well and enjoy solid, stable results by doing it all right the first time.







Keep your focus on creating one “best fit” site that scores well with most of the engines for most of your words most of the time. Write your page for the customer, first and foremost. No games. (More on SEO games later.)

00004.jpgOK, on to the third win of WIN-WIN-WIN-WIN... 00005.jpg

6.1.3. Your Merchants Win

If you have decided to add a secondary stream of (affiliate-based) income, your merchants want sales. The best way to deliver that is through outstanding content that gains your visitor’s confidence, then using “in-context” text links to refer/recommend/direct those visitors to places that you believe will deliver great value.


6.1.4. You Win

You must win, too, of course. How?


Ah, that’s the easiest part. If you get the first three wins right, you will succeed. Think about it...

OVERdelivery to your visitor builds trust, confidence and loyalty. This leads to repeat contact and contracts for your service as a personal trainer. Plus, the Search Engines will never ban you. And, as you become a super-affiliate (if applicable), your merchants will pay you more and more, perhaps even giving you special bonuses and deals!

00002.jpgI call the road to your win... 00005.jpg


Why? Because here’s what has to happen for you to win...

1) FIND - Your potential visitor must find you in the Top 10 (no worse than top
20) of the search results for your keyword. If your potential client does not find you on the first or second page of the Search Engine’s search for your keyword… well, you simply don’t exist for that word.

Game over.

2) CLICK -- Your potential visitor must read the Title and Description that the engine uses in the search results, and must find it sufficiently compelling to click to your site. If your Title and Description are boring or tacky, your potential visitor will probably not click to your KFCP (Keyword-Focused Content Page).

Game over. 3) CLICK -- Your visitor finds high-value content, learns to trust you as someone honest who delivers, and as a result follows your recommendations... either to hire you, or to buy a related product from a partner. Click again! If your page delivers poor, low-value info (or even worse, a sales pitch), you still get the click... on the Back Button to the Search Engine’s results page. “Who’s next?”

Game over.

4) CLICK-kaCHING -- Finally, your visitor arrives either at your “Contact Us” page, or wherever your contact information is, or at your merchant’s site in a “feeling smart about myself” mood. Yup, she’s now ready to pick up the phone and inquire more about your services. Or, she’s ready to click that buy button on a product that you represent!

Did I just hear a cash register?... kaCHING!


Ahhh... if you get the FIND-CLICK-CLICK right, that last CLICK-kaCHING is almost in the bag!




00002.jpgTo accomplish that, all you have to do is...


Get the first three wins right. The fourth win, your win, must follow automatically. And all you have to do to nail down those first three wins is...


*************************************************** Deliver valuable content to your readers...
... and tasty content to your spiders.

Ready to begin? Let’s start with the physical layout of your new site... 00005.jpg