Shattering the Myth by Joyce Osborn - HTML preview

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ThisHUGE group of people will hop skip and stumble from one online

opportunity to another. They are doomed from the start.


Now – please - don’t berate yourself if you have fallen into this category. Most people do when they start in this business. I certainly did.

But if you really are serious about making money online, you will have to quickly change your thinking. The web no longer works for quick cash opportunity seekers (5 years ago maybe – but not now.)

The principles of an internet based business are the same as any other business. You will need to establish and nurture a client base – that will buy from you and support you over time.

The web is not some magic wand that you can wave to make cash. It is however a powerful tool that if used correctly can greatly speed up the process to generate a handsome income.

STOP behaving like an opportunity seeker.


And START behaving like a strategic thinker.


“The difference between and successful man and a failure, is not one’s better abilities or ideas, but the courage one has to act on them”
-Maxwell Maltz


An opportunity seeker will buy lots of products – download eBooks galore – and continue forever and a day to be tempted by the next ‘big thing’.


Create Your First Website by 3:45 This Afternoon


A strategic thinker has a clear vision that he has to take his time to build a solid business. This means spending time, remaining focused, and having discipline. Not everyone has these qualities. In fact guess how many do?


You got it…3%