Shattering the Myth by Joyce Osborn - HTML preview

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There are a few myths
that circulate every now
and again that I would
like to dispel.




It’s impossible for the average Joe to make money online

This simply is not true. Sure it will take a bit of time and persistence and patience – but it can be done. I began in February 2008 knowing nothing about this


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business other than I wanted to get involved. 5 months later I was having many $250/days.

“You didn’t think that when you got up this morning that this would be the day your life would change did you? But it’s going to happen because the only thing that stands between you and grand success are getting started and not stopping.”

-Robert H Schuller MYTH NOS 2:

I don’t know anything about computers

Guess what? Nor did 99% people when they began. I certainly didn’t. Do you really think that EVERYONE making money online are technical geniuses? I can tell you of COUNTLESS people who are making money online –from all walks of life of all abilities and of all ages. And all these people did - is TOOK ACTION
-despite their doubt (part of the 198 million club – remember?)


I haven’t got the time.

This is probably the most used excuse I hear. But let’s just think about it for a moment.


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The one thing that we all have in common is that we all have 24 hours in our day. What sets the more successful apart from the rest – is how proactive and productive they are in this time.

Don’t have the time? Work through lunch – do an hour at night. When I started in this business I got up 2 hours earlier every morning for a few months – to study and learn the basics.

“Procrastination is the thief of time”
-Edward Young


In fact I’d like to talk a little further about ‘time’.


My pet peeve – is wasting time. Mainly because I did enough of it years ago.

If we make good use of our time – this will give us a great advantage – for scarcely one in a thousand individuals ever put his or her time to anywhere near it’s potential. Doing so – is being true to ourselves – taking control and accepting responsibility.


I don’t know where to start

Okay – I’ll give you this. By far the hardest part of this business is NOT the actual act of making money – BUT knowing how to START making money. In other words – knowing exactly what to do.

Create Your First Website by 3:45 This Afternoon

Do you know what the most common question I get asked is? - ‘ I’d like to do it but – how do I start?’ There is simply way too much information out there. You could spend forever ‘learning’ and perpetually be in a state of ‘about-to-start’.

“How much longer will you go on letting your energy sleep? How much longer are you going to stay oblivious of the immensity of yourself? Don’t lose time in doubt – time can never be recovered.”
-Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh

My niche is helping newcomers and beginners START in this business. Most people fall at this first hurdle – because due to the amount of information (and misinformation) out there – they simply do not know what to do first.

The biggest myth about making money online is that it is hard to get started.


It really is not.


I am amazed at how many people like to over complicate this business.


It really doesn’t have to be that way.

This business starts by learning the basics of how to create your own website. Now if this thought terrifies you – fear not – you are by no means alone. Every newcomer (myself included) at one point or another was aghast at the idea of creating a website.

But did you know you can create a site within a few hours. And a site that takes a few hours to set up can make you money for years to come.


You can find out for free how to do this by visiting the website shown on the cover page of this eBook.


Create Your First Website by 3:45 This Afternoon


“An investment of knowledge always pays the best interest”
-Abraham Lincoln