Shattering the Myth by Joyce Osborn - HTML preview

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Become indifferent to doubt




Easier said than done though right?

Doubt can make your business drown! Of
course we all suffer from it. But it’s how we
react to doubt – not doubt itself - that makes
the difference between success and failure.

We are ALL scared! Get over it!

Can I let you into a deep dark secret that
festers away in most people but is rarely
spoken about? Most people secretly like


doubt. Why? Because doubt is a very handy
convenient excuse that we can use when we are not really doing what we want with our life.

How many times have we heard or have we said to ourselves ‘I can’t do that – I’m not good enough – I’m not talented enough - I don’t have time – It’s not for me – I’m not good looking enough- I’m too old – I’m too young…’

“Come to the edge, he said. They said: We are afraid. Come to the edge, he said. They came. He pushed them. And they flew.”
-Guillaume Apollinaire


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Doubt can be a very useful tool that many use to convince themselves that NOT taking action – is indeed the correct path – because ‘somebody else could do it


but not me..’ ‘I don’t know the first thing about a website..’ ‘ I can’t do that…’ ‘I don’t know where to start..’ ‘I don’t know what to do…’


“When a tough, challenging job is to be done, I look for a person who possesses an enthusiasm and optimism for life. Who pins down his buoyant spirit with hard work and says - This may be tough but it can be licked”
-Henry J Kaiser


Again – we’re back at that 97% of the population.


Naturally you will butt noses with doubt. This is a new business you are creating – you are bound to come across doubts and problems. We both know that.

But it’s NOT the doubts and problems themselves you should be concerned about – it’s how you REACT and RESPOND to these doubts and problems - that will determine if you succeed or fail.

Do you see the difference?


A lot of people don’t.


A lot of people (about…er…97%) see a problem – and automatically think ‘I can’t do this’ – and promptly give up.

Whereas the TRUTH is – when you see a problem - you have a choice. When you come up against a problem – your choice is: Do I give up because of this problem – or do I push through despite this problem?

Check out what this guy did. You may have heard of him:


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In 1928, when Walt Disney was only 26 years old, he was on the train from New York back to Kansas, when he drew a cartoon of a mouse on his sketchpad. Convinced that this drawing had the potential to be a success, he decided that he wanted to use it in a new form of film that had started to

emerge called animation.

In 1926, silent cartoons were still the only form of cartoon being produced, but Walt had a dream that he wanted his mouse to feature in the first cartoon which featured sound. In order to achieve this, he needed to raise approximately $15,000. In today’s money, that would be about $1 million.

Now put yourself in the shoes of a New York bank manager sitting at your desk opposite a 26 year old lad who is asking you for a $1 million loan in order to make a new type of film - which doesn’t even exist yet - and involves a mouse.

Walt’s bank manager laughed him out of the bank.

Undeterred Walt popped along to another bank to present his plan. He received a similar reaction. The same happened at another. And another. And another…

How many banks would you have visited, receiving a mixture of negative and hostile reactions, before giving up? One? Two? Ten? Twenty?


Walt Disney visited 305 banks before he found one prepared to take a chance with him.


It has been proven that successful people have the ability to hit delete to doubt – as they have a clear and defined vision of what the end result is.


Create Your First Website by 3:45 This Afternoon Here’s a quick story for you: