Shattering the Myth by Joyce Osborn - HTML preview

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Write An Action Plan(very important this!)

In the 1950’s, there was a study carried out at Harvard University where the students were questioned about who had goals. Not surprisingly, virtually everyone said they did. They were then asked how many had actually put

these goals into writing.


The answer was only 3% of the group.


(there’s that 3% again…)


This study was followed up 30 years later – and the 3% that had written down their goals were worth more than the other 97% combined.


Amazing or just a coincidence?


That’s up to you to decide. But as long as your goals remain inside your head you run the risk of them only ever being dreams.


Please now be HONEST with yourself. Have you put your goals into writing?

Most people have not. Most people of course want to do well, but when asked ‘what is your goal’ they more often than not have a vague ‘I-just-want-to-makesome-money’ sort of answer.

“If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”


Create Your First Website by 3:45 This Afternoon


You need to change this. You need to have a laser-focused pin-pointed immediate answer of EXACTLY what you want to achieve.

This is important – because when you ‘think from the end’ (as discussed earlier) you have to know exactly what you should be thinking about. Most people do not have an actual answer to the question ‘what is your goal?’ Writing down your goal will achieve this answer for you. And let me tell you - seeing what you want written down - is very empowering! Try it! It suddenly makes everything ‘real’!

Then when you are in the car – in the shower – on the school run – making dinner – running around with the kids - you will have a laser-focused-pin-point goal that you can really think about and aim for.

I tend to break my goals into monthly targets. This works for me. And if you are starting out in this business – why don’t you give it a go too?


“He who has begun his task has half done it”

For example: want to learn how to create an opt in form for your web page? Write it down – and keep that as your goal for the month. Want to learn how to design a simple web page? Write it down and keep that as your goal for the month.

It’s very easy to get stuck in the ‘paralysis of analysis’ and do nothing, feeling there is SO much to do. However writing down a monthly goal will help you overcome this.

Your intention to experience prosperity depends on you adopting this mindset. That is what this eBook is all about! Those that are successful will tell you they use these very methods.

One of the secrets of attracting bountiful abundance into your life is as follows: change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change.
Create Your First Website by 3:45 This Afternoon

Therefore - change the way you look at things. Just try it! Write down your goal for the next month now – and then slap it on your computer so you see it every day.