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› Sales materials

› Shipping

› Sales follow-up

› Set-up

› Measurement

› Exhibit booth design and materials

When executed properly, a great event could produce a large percentage of the leads that a company needs to generate over an entire year. With a halfhearted strategy, companies usually get lackluster results.

Do you see your company in any of these scenarios?

Best Case

Neutral Case

Worst Case

You use trade shows, special

You regularly attend trade shows

You exhibit at trade shows and you’re

events and/or webinars to

and you’ve tried a few webinars

never satisfied with your results. It’s

generate new prospects and reach

with mixed results—there’s a lot

hard to stand around for days and you

out to existing prospects and

of competition for your prospects’

know that leads fall through the cracks



in the weeks afterward.

You stand out from your

At shows, your team does a

Your competitors are always doing

competitors, deliver compelling

decent job of qualifying leads and

something big at the shows but you

information and create meaningful

following up; you know that you

haven’t been able to afford anything

dialog with your market.

generate new business but you

but your booth.

don’t know how much.

You set goals and measure

You haven’t tried any other events

them, and you know your ROI

It seems like you could be

because they’re an enormous effort for

validates the investment. You also

generating a lot more business

very little payoff. You’ve never really

implement marketing programs

from these programs, but you’re

been able to measure the results from

and continue dialog after the event

not sure how to do it.

the shows that you attend—you get a

so that leads don’t fall through the

handful of leads and that seems to be it.


With a solid strategy, plan, investment and measurement, events can be an exciting marketing medium for B2B or

B2C marketers.

How Trade Shows and Events Align with Strategy

Your events and presence at trade shows should support your positioning and brand strategy. For events, your location,

theme, visuals, host or MC, refreshments, and entertainment or giveaways all work together to create an impression

of your brand. For trade shows, it’s your booth, materials, giveaways, and people that create the impression.

Key Concepts & Steps

Choose an event that matches your need

› Define your marketing objectives: generate leads, nurture existing leads, build relationships, train and educate, or

raise visibility/brand awareness.

› Focus on the types of events that will help you meet your goals: industry events and shows, networking events,

seminars and conferences, sponsored events, charity events, webinars and more.

› Brainstorm to create a list of events and themes that will fit with your goals.


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Outline your event strategy

Understand what your prospects need and how you can deliver it during the event. For example, think about the content

that your prospects want and how you should structure the event.

Create your event plan

› Once you have a strategy, start the planning process: time, date, location, theme, event flow, materials, script, responsibilities and more.

› Plan for sales-related activities: what happens with new leads, how you’ll prioritize leads, follow-up timing, materials

they should receive, etc.

Promote your event

› To drive attendance or participation, develop a thorough promotional campaign with a strong call-to-action.

› Use multiple media to touch your market frequently and consistently.

› If you’re sponsoring another company’s event, be sure to promote your participation—don’t leave it up to someone

else to drive your traffic.

Script your event and execute

A good event script and plan will help you execute without problems. Create a detailed timeline; rehearse appropriate

activities with your team; make sure everyone clearly understands their responsibilities.

Measure your event’s success

› Review your goals-to-actual measurements and share the results with your team.

› Document everything you learned so you can use that information next time.

Next Steps

Trade shows and events typically generate new relationships or foster existing ones. It’s important to set solid follow-up procedures with your team so that valuable leads don’t fall through the cracks.

As you design and manage events and attend trade shows, evaluate the effectiveness of your strategy and focus on

continually improving your tactical execution.

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marketing activities at

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ComPetitiVe PoSitioning

BranD Strategy


DiStriBution CHannelS







DeSign & CoPy






CuStomer aCquiSition


SaleS ProCeSS

CamPaign Planning

marKeting Plan




traDitional meDia


CuStomer retention

DireCt mail

online aDVertiSing

BuSineSS DeVeloPment


SoCial meDia

SaleS management


email marKeting


Search marketing is about gaining visibility on search engines when users search for terms that relate to your business.

For most companies, ranking high in the search results isn’t luck—it’s a result of solid effort in one or both categories

of search marketing:

Organic search (SEO): When you enter a keyword or phrase into a search engine like Google or Bing, the organic

results are displayed in the main body of the page.

When your market searches for information about your products and services, you want to rank highly in search engine

results. By optimizing your site, you can improve your ranking for important search terms and phrases (keywords).

You can also improve your rank by getting other important sites to link to yours.

Paid search (SEM): Paid search enables you to buy listings in the “sponsored” area of a search engine. There are

a variety of paid search programs, but the most common is called pay-per-click (PPC), meaning you only pay for a

listing when a prospect clicks your ad.

In search marketing, companies focus on driving more traffic to targeted areas of their website. They use search to:

› Generate new leads

› Sell products

› Build their brand

› Divert traffic from their competitors


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this ebook:


Studies show that most people—both business people and consumers considering large purchases—research their

problems, potential purchases and vendors online and use a search engine in the process. And the higher the price of

the product/service, the earlier in the research process they use a search engine.

For many B2B companies, generating only a handful of additional serious prospects can make a substantial difference

in revenue. Using search marketing may efficiently produce these additional prospects.

Best Case

Neutral Case

Worst Case

You’re generating very targeted

You’ve built a new website and

Your website isn’t optimized for

prospects through your search

it’s been optimized for search,

search and you’re nowhere to be

marketing programs. Your site is

but you don’t rank in the top 10

found on search engines, even for

optimized and you’ve built a lot

for any keywords other than your

very targeted terms.

of important incoming links, so

company name.

you rank well in organic results for

In fact, you may not even rank for

targeted keywords.

You’ve tried some paid search with

searches on your company name.

good success; your conversion

Unfortunately, your competitors show

You use paid search to supplement

rates on the traffic are okay but

up on the first and second pages for

that traffic and you create custom

could be better.

the terms your prospects use.

landing pages for your campaigns

to convert visitors into prospects or

You know that search marketing

As a result, your competitors are


is a solid opportunity—you’re just

winning new business and furthering

figuring out how to improve your

their lead in the market.


How Search Engine Marketing Aligns with Strategy

Campaigns using search engines should support your positioning and brand strategy, contributing to the experience

that you wish to deliver and the mindshare that you wish to own. This includes your ad copy, landing pages, and page

descriptions that appear in organic results.

Key Concepts & Steps

Create your search strategy

Review your short- and long-term goals to help determine whether to focus on organic or paid search (or both). It takes

time to improve your organic search rankings, but you can launch a paid search campaign today. However, there are

other considerations: the amount of traffic that you need, your budget, and your marketing objectives. Once you’ve

reviewed the pros and cons of each, you can select the search strategy that’s right for you.

Generate a list of keywords

Before you can optimize your site or launch a paid campaign, generate a list of keywords—terms your prospects use

when looking for information that you can deliver. You can brainstorm, copy keywords from competitors, or use online

tools (such as Google’s Keyword Tool) to generate a list and estimate traffic.

Optimize your website

› Rewrite your content and code your pages so that they’re optimized for search engines.

› Make sure the content is organized in the best possible manner.

› Eliminate any technologies that prevent search engines from reading your content (for example, search engines

can’t read graphics or Flash content).

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› Register your site in important directories that play a vital role in search engine results.

› If you don’t have anyone on staff that is an SEO expert, hire an outside specialist.

Generate inbound links

Search engines reward you when sites link to yours—they assume that your site must be valuable and you’ll rank higher

in search results. The higher the “page rank” of the sites that link to you, the more they help to raise your own ranking.

You want links from popular industry authorities, recognized directories, and reputable companies and organizations.

Implement additional Internet campaigns

These programs can improve your search results:

› Using social media, online advertising and online PR to generate traffic and links

› Including a blog on your site

› Distributing search-optimized press releases on the web

› Creating RSS feeds to distribute updated content from your site to other websites

Start testing paid search

To begin using paid search, you’ll:

› Develop targeted landing pages for each campaign

› Write your ad(s)

› Create an account with a search network

› Set up your campaign with the network

› Set a daily or monthly budget

› Start tracking your results

Next Steps

As you design and manage campaigns using search engines, evaluate the effectiveness of the tools used in the campaign, and focus on continually improving your tactical execution.

Pay close attention to click-through rates and conversion rates; for most paid search campaigns, the difference between

positive and negative ROI is thorough testing and detailed management.


Copyright Moderandi Inc. 2013


this ebook:









Online Advertising


ComPetitiVe PoSitioning

BranD Strategy


DiStriBution CHannelS







DeSign & CoPy






CuStomer aCquiSition


SaleS ProCeSS

CamPaign Planning

marKeting Plan




traDitional meDia

Seo & Sem

CuStomer retention

DireCt mail


BuSineSS DeVeloPment


SoCial meDia

SaleS management


email marKeting


Internet marketing isn’t just for consumer marketers or large B2B firms—it’s a powerful vehicle for companies of all sizes.

Online advertising offers marketers an opportunity to reach very broad or very targeted prospects to generate leads,

communicate a message and raise visibility. The term refers to three general types of campaigns:

› Banner ads placed on other websites

› Ads or sponsored content on targeted email newsletters

› Affiliate programs that enable you to put your ad on another company’s website and in return you pay a commission

on clicks or sales

While a B2B marketer has a smaller universe of prospects than a consumer marketer, the value of each prospect is

typically far greater. With a targeted campaign and a good offer, you may only need to generate a handful of highly

qualified prospects to produce substantial revenue.

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Here are three examples of online ad campaigns:

Generate New Leads

Direct Sales

Increase Your Visibility

Promote a white paper, webinar

Run ads to sell a particular product

Run a campaign to share a message,

or demo that can help prospects

or service. Drive prospects to a

promote an event or offer, or raise

who are in the early phases of their

special landing page that describes

awareness about your products.

research. Drive them to a special

your offer in detail. You create

Your goal is twofold: Drive click-landing page where you provide

supplemental pages to provide

throughs and generate awareness.

details about the offer and capture

additional information if needed.

You use landing pages designed to

key pieces of data so you can follow

You focus on converting those

convert a visitor into a prospect or

up when the prospect is ready.

prospects into sales.


What are the benefits of online advertising?

Timing: Reach people when they’re actively looking for information and solutions.

Immediacy: You can test and launch very quickly and generate response almost immediately.

Targeting: You can deliver your message to very specific audiences.

Lead generation and nurturing: You can capture prospects early, provide valuable information, and nurture them

throughout the sales process.

Cost: You can reach a large audience quickly and at a lower cost than many other types of media.

Scalability: You can run campaigns of any size, at any budget level.

As with any marketing program, it’s important to develop a good strategy, target your audience, test, measure and

improve—especially because it’s easy and inexpensive to test different aspects of your campaigns in order to generate

the best possible results.

Best Case

Neutral Case

Worst Case

Your online ad campaigns

You run campaigns periodically and

You’ve advertised on a few sites

are a strong element in your

they’re moderately successful. Prices are

and generated some traffic, but

marketing mix.

high, but you reach a targeted audience.

you don’t have data to indicate

whether your campaigns are

You use them to generate

You occasionally test and tweak your

successful beyond initial visits.

prospects and customers,

ads, but it isn’t a priority.

but gaining visibility is also

You don’t create special landing

important. You calculate ROI so

Since you use cost per click to measure

pages—you drive visitors to your

you can compare the return of

success, you can’t accurately calculate

home page, and you rarely test

these investments compared to

ROI, but you’re satisfied with what you’re

your ads.

your other programs.

paying for traffic.

You cringe at the prices for the

You continually test your ads

You think you can generate even more

sites you’d really like to use, and

and landing pages to maximize

traffic, but without better metrics,

you think you’re wasting money

your response rates.

you can’t divert more funds to these

since you’re paying for impressions


not clicks.

How Online Advertising Aligns with Strategy

Campaigns using online media should support your positioning and brand strategy, contributing to the experience that

you wish to deliver and the mindshare that you wish to own.

This includes your ad graphics, copy, as well as your landing pages and conversion process.


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Key Concepts & Steps

Before you launch an online campaign, it’s important to have a good website that can measure your traffic and convert

visitors to prospects or customers. It’s also helpful to address your online campaigns in your annual marketing plan

and budget.

Develop a tangible goal

For example, determine how many click-throughs or leads that you need to generate, and then estimate your response

rates to figure out how many impressions you’ll need. Make sure that you know how you’ll measure your campaign

as well.

Target your audience

Profile and target your audience. You can reach a large audience with your ad, but that doesn’t mean you should—narrow targeting means you can speak more directly to t