- Value Article #2 -
Day 1 – Tuesday Evening
Create Value Article #2.
The last thing you need to do today is write one more value article, and you'll call it value article #2.
You're going to need this for tomorrow depending on how many people opt-in for value article #1.
Now if these people raise their hand and say they like roses (using our example), then you'll give them two more articles about roses.
You will give them one tomorrow and one the day after, I will explain why you're going to skip a day in a bit.
Think of something else that relates to one product like roses.
In your example of roses, the first article you wrote was , "How to pick the right color rose for any occasion." (See value article #1, page 16 for reference.)
This time you're going to write something about "How to protect your roses in the winter," see where I'm going with this? Always add at the end:
"Obviously you are serious about [results], so maybe [your product or service]
might be a good fit for you.
You can find out more at yoursite.com/sales page."