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Creating A Duplicable System


With network marketing your downline will be built much quicker and more easily if the people you sign up can duplicate your results.

How can you do this?

With franchise-like systems.

Systems for getting prospects, converting them, training them, customer service, etc.

I think the most important system that you need to have in place is your own automated follow-up system that builds relationships and sells your products all on autopilot. This is achieved through email marketing.

Simply put a short website up giving away either a free email course or some kind of gift (like this ebook!) to people who subscribe to your list. Then you have an auto-responder that sends out a sequence of emails positioning you as a leader and sells your MLM opportunity and any other products you recommend.

I can’t really go any further into email marketing because it is a whole other subject and too much to cover in this ebook, just know that it’s very important that you start doing it yourself. I recommend the List Profit Academy.

Then you need to tell your downline the systems you use so they can do it for themselves. This can easily be done through an ebook or you can simply recommend products/resources that you use (for example Magnetic Sponsoring).

I’m not going to go into too much depth into designing your own systems because that’s something that you have to find out for yourself. But there is one system the I wanted to tell you about because I forgot to cover it earlier.

The concept is called a “funded proposal” (thank you Mike Dillard), where you sell an inexpensive retail item related to your product, like an ebook, which makes back some or all of your advertising costs. Within the ebook you can tell them about your network marketing product and provide your contact information.

Everyone hates being sold, so if you can sell your product in the form of helpful information, someone is much more likely to buy it.

Now what if you don’t want to write your own ebook or hire somebody else to do it, because you can’t spend that type of time or money?

Well there is a way that you can take advantage of a ready-made, funded proposal system, all ready for you to use.

You might have guessed what it is already, it’s Magnetic Sponsoring again. And I’m recommending it yet again because I really think it is a very powerful tool and resource for successful network marketing, plus it’s not expensive.

With Magnetic Sponsoring, you don’t have to have your own tried and tested systems, you can just recommend it to your downline for them to use, it’s what I do.

Remember, help your downline succeed and in return they will build your downline. Keep everything win-win.

I hope you’ve learned something useful from reading this ebook and I wish you every success.