The 6 Dirty Little Secrets They Don't Want You to Know about Network Marketing by Gavin M-R - HTML preview

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Following Up


The key to being able to sign up a prospect is having a good follow up system that you can use again and again.

Following up is especially important when you’re starting out and you can’t afford to let any prospect go to waste.

It doesn’t matter what method you use to follow up with someone, just so long as you do it. Call your prospects or simply send them an email or even both.

Design your follow ups like a free consultation with you, where you ask them set questions and from their answers you can tell them if your opportunity is for them.

And don’t be afraid to say that you don’t think your opportunity is right for them. “What’s that Gavin, are you out of your mind?”. No (well maybe just a little, lol), you heard me right. If you tell someone that you don’t recommend your opportunity is for them, they are going to realise that you aren’t just out to make a quick buck, and that you really want to help them. Then you ask them if they know of anyone that might be interested in what you’re offering.

I’ve included some questions you can use when “consulting” with prospects.

  • Are you currently in network marketing or just looking? (If someone is already in network marketing, go on to ask if they are happy with that company)
  • What are the reasons you want to do or are doing network marketing?
  • Have you had any experience in network marketing?
  • How much time and money are you willing to spend per month?
  • Are you ready to take massive action?
  • If I can give you a solution to your financial problems, would you be interested?

From their answers you will know if your opportunity is worth their time and effort, if it’s not, then tell them.

Before I let you go onto the final chapter, I want you to know that if you talk to your prospects personally (either through the phone or even instant messaging like MSN Messenger) your conversion rate will be a lot higher than if you just send them an email or two.