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Becoming A Leader


Now this is very important if you want to create a successful network marketing business.

You need to start thinking and acting like a leader.

People are naturally drawn to someone who can lead them.

Now I know what you’re thinking; “That’s great Gavin, but I’m no leader, I haven’t had the success I want yet. Why should people listen to me?”

This is a great question, but easily answered with one sentence: Whether you think you can or can’t, you are right.

It really doesn’t matter what you think you can or can’t do, if you truly believe that are a leader then you are!

Say this with me: “I AM A LEADER!”

Say it again and again until it’s stuck in your head and say it with passion!

Ok, so now that YOU know you’re leader, what can you do to make everyone else believe that you are too?


Any ideas? You should know this stuff, after all, you are a leader yourself now. I can’t do everything here, lol.

Well ok, let’s make a list of all the things a leader is supposed to do.

  • Help others achieve their goals
  • Know their business inside out
  • Have that successful mindset that we talked about in the previous chapter
  • Look successful – now, you need to know that you don’t have be successful before you can become a leader, that will come soon enough, you just have to appear successful
  • And most importantly, lead people.

So how do we show others this?

Well there are a couple of things we can do. Let’s make another list, shall we?

  • Write articles related to your business (the money making side and the product side) and post them to the article directories
  • Write an ebook (like this one) and sell it or give it away
  • Build a list and email them regularly
  • Start a blog and post at least a couple of times a week.

I’ll cover these in more depth in the Marketing chapter, I just want you to start thinking like a leader before we get into the nitty gritty of everything.

I highly recommend you pick up your copy of Magnetic Sponsoring, it’ll go into a lot more than this short ebook. At least just sign up to the free 10 Day Boot Camp at