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Lesson #4 Let's Customise The Newsletter Thank You  Pages

Thank You Pages present a great opportunity to have valuable interaction with those who are newly signed up to your list, but loads of people miss this chance.

Thankfully you won't, 'cause I'm gonna show you how to take advantage.

By default, Mailchimp shows a fairly boring Thank You Page, so we're gonna want to change it, but first we need to create a new Thank You page on your website.

Elements You Need For A Successful "Thank You" Page

From within your WordPress website, go to "Pages" and Create a new page.

Call it;­thankyou​ Or something like that.

Then make sure to add the following;

1. An image of you

2. Say a quick word of thanks for signing up

3. Briefly cover what your new subscriber can expect and remind them you're here to help

4. Remind them to go to their inbox and confirm their subscription. (Some do actual y forget to confirm!)

5. Use your signature to sign off.

6. Let them know they can email you with any queries or if they need your help. Include an email link

7. Add social buttons so they can follow you on Social Media


You could do all of this from within LeadPages​ and get a very professional result. However, it may not match the design of your site. That's the only downside to using LeadPages.

Here's the Signup Thank You Page I use;­you­for­signing­up/


Adding Your New “Thank You Page” Link To Mailchimp

Within Mailchimp there is a section in your menu cal ed ​ "Lists" ​ . This is where your various list are available to view.

[If you don't use Mailchimp that's ok. Aweber, Infusionsoft etc all pretty much have the  same functionality with regard to customising the Thank You Pages. You just need to go  find the area where you can add your own custom Thank You Page URL]

From your dashboard, go to; ​ Lists >> Your List >> Signup Forms >> General Forms

Under ​ "Forms and Response Emails" ​ you'll see a drop down. Click on it.

Select ​ "Signup Thank You Page" ​ from the options

This is where you will place the URL of your new Thank You Page

Elements You Need For A Successful "Confirmation Thank You" Page

There's one more page you need to create...

When someone clicks on that confirm subscription email from Mailchimp (or any other provider for that matter) they are brought to a generic page.

Again, we need to change that, so as we did above lets create a new Congratulations Page from within WordPress.

Call it;

Then add the following elements to the page;

1. An image of you

2. Tel them their subscription is confirmed and congratulate them!

3. Briefly cover what your new subscriber can expect.

4. If they will receive any free stuff that you didn't mention before, mention it here.

5. Let them know they can email you with any queries or if they need your help. Include an email link

6. Include some links to your best material or anchor pages within your site.

7. Use your signature to sign off.

8. Add social buttons so they can follow you on Social Media

Here's my Congratulations Page;

Adding Your New “Confirmation Thank You Page” Link To Mailchimp

As we did above, from within Mailchimp dashboard go to;

Lists >> Your List >> Signup Forms >> General Forms

Under ​ "Forms and Response Emails" ​ you'll see a drop down. Click on it.

Select ​ "Confirmation Thank You Page" ​ from the options

This is where you will place the URL of your new Thank You Page

Then you're done. Your Thank You Pages are now set up and you've done what the vast majority of ordinary bloggers and business peeps online don't do.

You're already ahead of the game!