The Awesome Email List Building eBook by Larry G. Maguire - HTML preview

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Lesson #5 Let's Discover How To Create Your  PDF Lead Magnet

If you have some design skills then you will find this bit easy. If you don't then I'd advise you hire a graphic designer to create the PDF Lead Magnet for you.

If you are hiring someone to do it then you need to give them the relevant information so they can create it.

Create a word document detailing your requirements, and try find something similar online that you can show as an example.

If they are professional they'll have a system so you won't need to worry about that too much. If the designer is good then they will have done this before and be able to create this quickly for you.

Lead Magnet Ideas

Here's what you need to do if you're creating it yourself…

1. Decide what it is you are giving away.

  • Café owner; Give away some awesome recipes
  • Help make your followers look good by giving away your "secrets"
  • Plumber; Detail how to change a leaky set of taps
  • Take your DIY follower dad's pain by showing them the easy way!
  • Photographer; List of gear to get great shots at night
  • Photographing at night can be very difficult. Show the amateur your unique techniques
  • Realtor; Checklist of things to do before you sell your home
  • Your seller wants to move to that beautiful new home, but they've got to sel the one they've got first. Show them how!

2. Create The PDF Document

To create the PDF document go to Canva​ and set up an account.

1. From your dashboard, choose the A4 preset

2. Then from the left hand column choose a template you like, or create your own from scratch

3. Give the document a name and click download

I know that sounds simple, and it is for some but it won't for others of you, I understand that. As I said, if this is too much hassle then go hire someone to create it for you.

Check out this short video I recorded that may help you.­k1eXUBk

After I create my Lead Magnets, I load up to my LeadPages Account to deliver the document to my new subscriber. LeadPages then adds my new subscriber to my Mailchimp list.

Check out this Landing Page​

 I created on my site using LeadPages. Currently with this Landing Page I've achieved 36% conversion rate.

That's good in my book!

The Last Thing You Need To Do

After you have successfully created your new Landing Page, up loaded your lead magnet (one page PDF), and published the page, you'll need to do one more thing....


Using your own email address, go through the process and make sure that everything is smooth. You don't want any little snag in the process losing you leads.

Once everything works out for you, then that's it... for now. you'll need to get cracking on promoting it which I will get into in a later lesson.

In the next lesson I'm going to get into Landing Pages. What they are, how they work and how you can get the best one for you.

I'm also going to stick with LeadPages​ as example because it's just the Dog's roundy bits! (that means it's good!)

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Please let me know by  sending me an email​ I want to improve the quality of the content I send you so the more feedback I get the better the information that I send you can be at meeting those needs.

 Send me a mail to let me know​  Cheers!
